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Description of Formulas - Maps

The following describes each formula included in the Maps Formulas section of McIDAS-V.

Note: If the formula you select utilizes a Select Input window to enter values to be used by the formula, you can choose if you want to save these values in a bundle if you wish to create one. Each field of the Select Input window has a Save in Bundle option (chosen by default). If you keep this option selected, the value(s) you choose will be stored in the bundle, and if all values are saved, the formula will automatically execute when you load in your bundle without any user input. If you do not save the values in your bundle, the values you use will not be saved, and the formula will not automatically execute without requiring the user to enter/change values.

3D Map (MapData, Topography) - Creates a 3D map including your selected parameter.

Average from map (Field, Map) - Plots the average of the selected Field with respect to the chosen map.

Inverse subset field from map (Field, Map) - Plots the values on the map, multiplied by -1 to represent the inverse values for the selected variables/times.

Make field from map bounds (Number Points X, Number Points Y, Fill Value, Unit) - Makes a field in which the area is the bounds of the given mapSet. The length of the map is determined by the number of points in the X and Y direction.

Input Parameter Definition

Number Points X

Number of points in the X direction (default=100)

Number Points Y

Number of points in the Y direction (default=100)

Fill Value

Fill value (default=0)


Unit data will display in

Subset field from map (Field, Map) - Subsets a display of the chosen Field to the map that was loaded in separately as a shapefile.

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