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Radar Cross Section Controls

The radar vertical Cross Section Control is used to adjust vertical cross section displays of Level II Radar volume data. WSR-88D Level II Radar data has three moments or data types: Reflectivity, Radial Velocity, and Spectrum Width, indicated by the Radar Moments button icon in the Field Selector. WSR-88D Dual Pole radar includes these three moments, as well as DifferentialReflectivity, CorrelationCoefficient, and Differential Phase. In order for Radar Cross Section to be listed as a valid Display Type in the Field Selector, either Reflectivity, RadialVelocity, or SpectrumWidth must be chosen, not one of their individual elevation angles. The control window has two tabs, Display and Settings.

The Display tab includes a duplicate of the display in the Main Display window:

Image 1: Display Tab of the Radar Cross Section Controls
Image 1: Display Tab of the Radar Cross Section Controls

The Settings tab shows the settings for this Layer Control:

Image 2: Settings Tab of the Radar Cross Section Controls
Image 2: Settings Tab of the Radar Cross Section Controls

Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls Page. However, there is one option that is unique to this display.

The View menu has this unique option:

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