McIDAS Learning Guide
Version 2015

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Enhancements - Creating Color Enhancements

In this exercise, you will use the EU command to assign colors to brightness values. You will create a simple enhancement that assigns brightness values to colors and another enhancement that assigns various brightness ranges to color ranges.
  1. Start a McIDAS session.
    At the Unix prompt:
    Type:  mcidas
    Your session should still be set for six frames from the last time you changed the Configuration GUI. If not, set it for six frames, as described in Getting Started.
  2. Log on and initialize the workstation.
    Type:  LOGON initials project I
  3. Set the loop sequence to frames 1 through 6.
    Type:  LS 1-6
  4. Display the first GOES-7 4km IR image on frame 1 centered on New Orleans. Decrease the image resolution by a factor of 2 and place a grayscale bar on the frame.
  5. Assign the color red to the brightness range 180 to 220 to color enhance the cloud tops.
    Type:  EU MAKE 180 220 RED

    Notice how the grayscale bar also changes to reflect the changes to the enhancement.

  6. List the enhancement table. The brightness values between 180 and 220 are assigned to a red intensity range of 255 to 255.
    Type:  EU TABLE
     Brightness  Blue      Green      Red   
      min max   min max   min max   min max
      --- ---   --- ---   --- ---   --- --- 
        0 179     0 179     0 179     0 179  
      180 220     0   0     0   0   255 255  
      221 255   221 255   221 255   221 255  
  7. Assign the brightness range 180 to 220 to the range of colors between yellow and red.
    Type:  EU MAKE 180 220 YELLOW RED
    The brightness value 180 is yellow, the brightness value 220 is red, and the values in between are displayed as various shades between the two colors.

  8. List the enhancement table.
    Type:  EU TABLE
    The enhancement table is listed as shown below. The blue, green, and red intensity values of 0, 255, and 255 create the color yellow and are assigned to brightness value 180. The blue, green, and red intensity values of 0, 0, and 255 create the color red and are assigned to brightness value 220.
     Brightness  Blue      Green      Red    
      min max   min max   min max   min max  
      --- ---   --- ---   --- ---   --- ---  
        0 179     0 179     0 179     0 179  
      180 220     0   0   255   0   255 255 
      221 255   221 255   221 255   221 255 
  9. Save the enhancements with the name STORM.
    Type:  EU SAVE STORM
  10. Restore the default enhancement to the frame.
    Type:  EU REST
  11. Restore the enhancement STORM to the frame.
    Type:  EU REST STORM
  12. List the enhancement tables in your account on the workstation.
    Type:  EU LIST
    The file STORM.ET should be listed.

  13. Delete the enhancement STORM.
    Type:  EU DEL STORM
  14. Restore the default enhancement to frames 1 through 6.
    Type:  EU REST X 1 6
    The X after the REST parameter indicates to use the default enhancement.

  15. Erase the image and the graphics from frame 1.
    Type:  ERASE

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