McIDAS Learning Guide
Version 2015
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To start or stop a McIDAS session, follow the steps below:
If this is the first time that you've run McIDAS, the mcidas command will display the McIDAS Configuration GUI.
On the Introduction tab, click the Show this window each time McIDAS is started button to uncheck the box. The next time you start McIDAS, the McIDAS Configuration GUI will not show up. In the future, you can also display this GUI by typing mcidas -config. You can also change the display by editing the flags in the $HOME/.mcidasrc file by using a unix editor. For more information on the start-up flags, read the documentation within the .mcidasrc configuration file.
When the McIDAS GUI starts, a text warning will pop up telling you that the GUI is going to analyze your Server List and that it would take a while. Click "OK". A LOGON screen will then appear. You can just click "Cancel". We will update the GUI tables in the Graphical User Interface lesson.
Under the Introduction tab, click the Show this window each time McIDAS is started box, and under the Miscellaneous tab, click the Start GUI upon McIDAS startup box to deselect this option. Save your new settings and start McIDAS.
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