McIDAS Learning Guide
Version 2008

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Graphics and the Cursor - Defining Graphics Parameters

In this exercise, you will use the GU (Graphics Utility) command to list the colors currently assigned to the graphics color levels, change the color assigned to a level, create new colors, save the color assignments to a graphics table, and restore a graphics table.
  1. Start a McIDAS session.
    At the Unix prompt:
    Type:  mcidas
    Your session should still be set for six frames from the last time you changed the Configuration GUI. If not, set it for six frames, as described in Getting Started.
  2. Log on and initialize the workstation. (If you don't have your own initials and project number, use DEMO for initials and 1234 for project.)
    Type:  LOGON initials project I
  3. List the colors assigned to the graphics levels in the default graphics table.
    Type:  GU TABLE
     GU TABLE                                                 
      LEVEL   COLOR         BLUE  GREEN  RED                           
      -----  ----------     ----  -----  ---                        
         0   BLACK             0      0    0   (Graphic background)     
         1   MAGENTA         255      0  255                           
         2   CYAN            255    255    0                         
         3   YELLOW            0    255  255                        
         4   GREEN             0    255    0                        
         5   RED               0      0  255                       
         6   BLUE            255      0    0                      
         7   WHITE           255    255  255                      
         8   GRAY            127    127  127                         
         9   GOLD              0    187  255                         
        10   PINK            127    127  255                          
        11   AQUAMARINE      147    219  112                        
        12   ORCHID          219    112  219                       
        13   NAVY            115      0    0                      
        14   SKY             255    163    0                      
        15   BEIGE           127    171  255                      
        16   PURPLE          127      0  127                      
  4. Generate a map of the United States with latitude and longitude lines on frame 1; then, generate a map of the Midwest with latitude and longitude lines on frame 2. The next exercise discusses generating graphics in more detail.
    Type:  MAP USA 1 LALO 5 GRA=1;MAP MID 1 LALO 5 GRA=2
  5. List the predefined colors on your workstation.
    Type:  GU COLORS
     AQUAMARINE     BLACK          BLUE           NAVY           CORAL       
     CYAN           FIREBRICK      BROWN          GOLD           GOLDENROD   
     GREEN          GRAY           GREY           KHAKI          MAGENTA     
     MAROON         ORANGE         ORCHID         PINK           PLUM        
     RED            SALMON         SIENNA         TAN            THISTLE     
     TURQUOISE      VIOLET         WHEAT          WHITE          YELLOW      
     BEIGE          LEMON          PURPLE         SKY            AVOCADO     
  6. Assign the color avocado to graphics color level 1, thistle to graphics color level 2, and goldenrod to graphics color level 5.
    Notice the graphics colors displayed in frame 1 changed when you assigned the new colors.

  7. Show frame 2.
    Type:  SF 2
    Notice that the colors on frame 2 did not change. Each frame has its own graphics table; graphics color level changes affect only that frame. However, if you specify a range of frames or a different frame than the current frame, the changes affect the graphics tables for those frames.

  8. Show frame 1 and list the colors in the graphics table.
    Type:  SF 1;GU TAB
    Notice that color levels 1, 2, and 5 have changed.

  9. Create a new color by specifying the blue, green, and red intensities. Assign the new color to graphics color level 1.
    Type:  GU MAKE 1 35 107 200
  10. List the graphics table to verify that graphics color level 1 has new intensities.
    Type:  GU TABLE
    Since you defined the color intensities, the name is blank in the table.

  11. Save the graphics table to a file called NEW and list the graphics tables on your workstation to verify that it was saved.
    Notice that the graphics tables have a default extention of .GRX.

  12. Restore the graphics table named GRAPHIC, which contains the default graphics color levels.
  13. Restore the graphics table NEW to frames 1 and 2.
    Type:  GU REST NEW 1 2
  14. Verify that both frames have the new graphics table restored.
    Press:  Alt A
    Press:  Alt B
  15. Restore the default graphics table, and erase the graphics frames. Use the GD command to change the current line width to 3 pixels.
    Type:  GU REST GRAPHIC 1 2;ERASE G 1 4;GD 3
  16. Display first GOES-7 4km Visible image on frame 1 centered on Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, decrease the resolution by a factor of 2, and draw a map on the satellite image. Because of the above GD command, the line thickness level is now 3. The graphics lines will appear thicker, making the map easier to see.
  17. Change the line width back to the default, 1 pixel, and erase the graphics in frame 1.
    Type:  GD 1
    Type:  ERASE G 1

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