CplxFFT::Config_t | Config_t is the initialization-time configuration |
Ifg2Spectrum::Config_t | Configuration (initialization time) settings for the Inteferogram to Spectrum operator |
IfgShift::Config_t | Configuration structure for the Interferogram shift |
SpecFold::Config_t | Config_t holds initialization-time configuration settings |
CplxFFT::CplxFFTOperator | Performs complex FFT from raw interferogram to uncorrected, uncalibrated spectrum |
Ifg2Spectrum::Ifg2SpectrumStage | This stage of the L0-L1 pipeline transforms a complex interferogram (such as might come off the raw data stream from the instrument) into a complex spectrum |
IfgShift::IfgShiftOperator | Concrete interferogram shift operator |
SpecFold::Ports | Ports is the port structure for the operator |
CplxFFT::Ports | Ports for the Complex FFT operator |
Ifg2Spectrum::Ports | Ports for the Interferogram to Spectrum stage |
IfgShift::Ports | Ports used by the IfgShift operator |
SpecFold::SpecFoldOperator | Concrete operator which performs the spectral folding |