Space Science and Engineering Center University of Wisconsin-Madison

SSEC 50th Anniversary Program

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I) SSEC Stories, 9:00am – 4:00pm, Room 305 AOSS Building

As part of our 50th Anniversary celebration, we are collecting stories (personal and scientific) to compile a historical narrative of SSEC. Please stop by to record your story or reminiscence anytime during the day.

Think people, places, or things as you consider a story: someone who had an impact on you, your research, or your career path (memorable people), places within the AOSS building (your lab, for example), and notable events such as field campaigns or installations, significant achievements and research milestones, along with organizational culture.

II) SSEC Seminar, 1:30pm-2:30pm, Room 811 AOSS Building

Speaker: Stephen Volz, Assistant Administrator for Satellite Services, NOAA
Title: NOAA’s Integrated Observing System
Abstract: This presentation examines NOAA’s satellites and systems from a past, present and future perspective.

To fulfill its responsibilities, NESDIS acquires and manages the Nation's operational environmental satellites, operates the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, provides data and information services including Earth system monitoring, performs official assessments of the environment, and conducts related research. The year 2015 saw numerous NESDIS activities that had an impact on the Earth observation and forecasting communities: a NESDIS reorganization focused on increasing ground services and enterprise systems engineering capabilities, and the successful launch of DSCOVR, the nation’s first operational space weather satellite, to name a few.

NESDIS activities in 2016 and beyond will build on these developments to further benefit the meteorological community, including the currently scheduled launches of Jason-3, GOES-R, COSMIC-2, and JPSS-1. These satellites bring advanced capabilities that will continue to be the backbone of space-based environmental information.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

I) Oral History Panel, 9:30am – 11:30am, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery
Title: Evolution of Instrument Programs at the Space Science and Engineering Center
Panel: Fred Best (Moderator), Hank Revercomb, Evan Richards, Tony Wendricks, and Ken Walker
Videography: Wisconsin Public Television

This is a closed session. The video will be publicly available after the 50th Anniversary and will be included in the UW-Madison Archives and the Schwerdtfeger Library Archives for future researchers and historians.

II) 50th Anniversary Program

Program: 2:00pm – 5:30pm, reception to follow

Master of Ceremonies: Paul Menzel

Henry E. Revercomb
SSEC Director 
Welcome and introductions

Marsha R. Mailick
Vice Chancellor, Research and Graduate Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Welcome Remarks from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education

Wisconsin State Legislative Citation Presented by Representatives Chris Taylor and Terese Berceau on behalf of the Offices of Senator Fred Risser and Representatives Taylor and Berceau

Stephen Volz
Assistant Administrator for Satellite Services, NOAA                       
NESDIS: Suomi’s Legacy

Michael H. Freilich
Director, Earth Science Division, NASA
NASA, the UW, and Research and Development

Thomas H. Vonder Haar
Distinguished Professor, CIRA, Colorado State University
The Early Years at SSEC

David Cismoski
Research Coordinator, CIRA, Colorado State University                       
The Early Years at SSEC (continued)

Louis W. Uccellini
Assistant Administrator for Weather Services and Director, National Weather Service, NOAA
Vern Suomi's Influence on the NWS and its Director(s)

William L. Smith
Professor Emeritus, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Senior Scientist, SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Professor Suomi – A View Along the Path from Student to Colleague

Donald R. Johnson
Professor Emeritus, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Special Remembrances of the Suomi Era

Mareda R. Weiss
Emeritus Associate Dean, Graduate School, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Verner Suomi, Dean Bock, and Relationships with the Graduate School

John A. Young
Professor Emeritus, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Vern Suomi: Our Department's Creative Colleague and Catalyst


Master of Ceremonies:  Wayne Feltz

Larry A. Sromovsky
Senior Scientist, SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Planetary Atmospheres Research at SSEC, from Hot Venus Vortex to Ice Giant Storms

David A. Santek
Senior Scientist, SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
McIDAS: SSEC's Flagship Software for Satellite Data Visualization

Tony Wendricks
Emeritus Senior CAD Specialist, SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Anecdotes from the Drafting Table to the South Pole

John P. Roberts
Emeritus Executive Director for Administration, SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Professor Verner E. Suomi: A Bean Counter’s Perspective

Fred A. Best
Executive Director for Technology, SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Suomi’s Last Project: The Skin-Layer Ocean Heat Flux Instrument

Evan E. Richards
Emeritus Engineer, SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Make it like an egg!”

Steven A. Ackerman
Director, CIMSS; Professor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences; Associate Vice Chancellor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
CIMSS and our National and International Partners

Johannes Schmetz
Chief Scientist, EUMETSAT
Professor Vern Suomi: A Catalyst for International Cooperation – The Beginning of a Long-lasting Cooperation

Allen Huang
Distinguished Scientist, SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
How Suomi Inspires Me Beyond My Work

Elaine M. Prins
Consultant in Remote Sensing Studies and SSEC/CIMSS Contracting Scientist
Verner Suomi: Scientific Mentor and Life Coach

Jordan Gerth
Researcher, CIMSS, SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Reflections of Verner Suomi within SSEC Today

Stephen J. Suomi
Chief, Laboratory of Comparative Ethology, National Institutes of Health, DHHS
“Father Knows Best”

Henry E. Revercomb
Director, SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
SSEC, Then and Now

Reception to follow

III) SSEC Stories, 3:00pm – 7:00pm, Room 1260,
Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery (behind the DeLuca Forum)
As part of our 50th Anniversary celebration, we are collecting stories (personal and scientific) to compile a historical narrative of SSEC. Please stop by to record your story or reminiscence.

Think people, places, or things as you consider a story: someone who had an impact on you, your research, or your career path (memorable people), places within the AOSS building (your lab, for example), and notable events such as field campaigns or installations, significant achievements and research milestones, along with organizational culture.

IV) Media Wall
Don’t forget to take in the dynamic content celebrating our first fifty years displayed on the large media wall outside the DeLuca Forum. View a slideshow of our building’s construction, timelines of our satellite meteorology and instrument development work, videos showcasing our current research and Earth in motion, a photo mosaic of current and past SSEC employees, along with an anniversary edition of our magazine, Through the Atmosphere.

Friday, September 11, 2015

I) SSEC Stories, 9:00am – 3:00pm, Room 305 AOSS Building
As part of our 50th Anniversary celebration, we are collecting stories (personal and scientific) to compile a historical narrative of SSEC. Please stop by to record your story or reminiscence anytime during the day.

Think people, places, or things as you consider a story: someone who had an impact on you, your research, or your career path (memorable people), places within the AOSS building (your lab, for example), and notable events such as field campaigns or installations, significant achievements and research milestones, along with organizational culture.