
Examples of wind_info.sh

Changing the center of area:

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000 --center 60 -45 -p
[50.62, -86.47, 48.28, 1.59, 48.26, 1.34]


——center defaults to (lat-0, long-0) if area is incomplete and doesn’t override user provided data.

Having multiple files in run directory:

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        test.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000 -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000 -vv -p
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Reading displacements from
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Reading displacements from
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 --pixel-size 4000 -vv
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Reading displacements from
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:08 : wind_info.sh] Data saved to the directory
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:08 : pywinds.wind_functions] Reading displacements from
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:16 : wind_info.sh] Data saved to the directory


When ——displacement-data is not provided, then every file ending in “.flo” where the script was ran is read.


In this case, wind_info.sh saves all files mentioned in Save format to /Desktop/test.flo_output_20190301_115959 and /Desktop/in.flo_output_20190301_115959.

Specifying a displacement file to read:

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        test.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000
  --displacement-data in.flo -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000
  --displacement-data in.flo -p --precision 10
[63.3588708008, -135.0, 51.7849361906, 315.2531658088, 36.7789187111, -36.4553254642]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 --pixel-size 4000
  --displacement-data path_to_other_directory/in.flo
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 --pixel-size 4000
  --displacement-data path_to_other_directory/in.flo -vv
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Reading displacements from
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:08 : wind_info.sh] Data saved to the directory

Specifying multiple displacement files to read:

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        windtest.flo        windtest2.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000
  --displacement-data \*test*.flo -vv -p
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Reading displacements from
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Reading displacements from
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 --pixel-size 4000
  --displacement-data \*test*.flo -vv
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Reading displacements from
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:08 : wind_info.sh] Data saved to the directory
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:08 : pywinds.wind_functions] Reading displacements from
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:16 : wind_info.sh] Data saved to the directory

Specifying save directory:

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        test.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 --pixel-size 4000 -vv -s new_directory
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Reading displacements from
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:08 : wind_info.sh] Data saved to the directory
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:08 : pywinds.wind_functions] Reading displacements from
[INFO: 2019-03-01 12:00:16 : wind_info.sh] Data saved to the directory

Altering ellipsoids:

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000
  --projection-ellipsoid sphere -p
[63.26, -135.0, 51.92, 315.21, 36.85, -36.58]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000
  --earth-ellipsoid sphere -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.63, 315.29, 36.69, -36.32]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000
  --projection-ellipsoid sphere --earth-ellipsoid sphere -p
[63.26, -135.0, 51.76, 315.25, 36.76, -36.44]

Custom ellipsoids:

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000
  --projection-ellipsoid a 1234 -vvv
[DEBUG: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Earth ellipsoid data: a=1234 f=0
[1650.98, 38.49, 218.49]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000
  --projection-ellipsoid b 1234 -vvv
[DEBUG: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Earth ellipsoid data: a=1234 f=0
[1650.98, 38.49, 218.49]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000
  --projection-ellipsoid a 100 e .5 -vvv
[DEBUG: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Earth ellipsoid data: a=100
[123.33, 43.98, 223.98]

Using latitudes and longitudes directly:

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh --from-lat-long 100 30 120 35 140
[35.0, 140.0, 326.43, 73.55, 92.41, 313.08]
$ ./pywinds/velocity.sh 60 70 -175 70 175 --from-lat-long
[106.07, 270.0]
$ ./pywinds/vu.sh .01666 0 0 0 180 --from-lat-long --earth-ellipsoid a 1
[0.0, 3.14]

Specifying input units:

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --pixel-size 4000 -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --pixel-size 4 --units km -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --pixel-size 4 km -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --pixel-size 4 --center 0 0 m  --units km -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --pixel-size 4 km --center 0 0 m -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --pixel-size 4000 m --units km -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --upper-left-extent 2000 -2000 km
  --radius 2000 2000 km -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --upper-left-extent 2000 -2000
  --radius 2000 2000 --units km -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --upper-left-extent 63.335 -135 deg
  --radius 2000 2000 --units km -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]


center’s units default to degrees and are not affected by the units option.

Using other advanced args:

$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --radius 2000000 2000000 -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --upper-left-extent 2000000 -2000000 -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --area-extent -2000000 -2000000 2000000 2000000 -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --upper-left-extent 2000000 -2000000
  --radius 2000000 2000000 -p
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0
  --pixel-size 4000 --shape 10000 100 -p
[WARNING: 2019-03-01 12:00:00 : pywinds.wind_functions] Shape found
from area or provided by user does not match the shape of the file:
(10000, 100) vs (1000, 1000)
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]

Shuffling order of arguments/options:

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        pywinds

$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh -j 0 -i 0
  -p --pixel-size 4000 -i 0 60 90 0 100
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh -j 0 60 90 -i 0
  0 -p --pixel-size 4000 4000 100
[63.36, -135.0, 51.78, 315.25, 36.78, -36.46]


It is safest to not have positional arguments after ——pixel-size, ——projection-ellipsoid, and ——earth-ellipsoid. This is because they may interpret positional arguments as input since they can take a variable set of inputs.

——displacement-data can also be a list ([j_displacement,i_displacement] in row-major format):

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        test.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -j 0 -i 0 --pixel-size 4000
  --displacement-data [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]] -p
[89.97, -135.0, 3.68, 346.03, 3.57, -0.89]

Content of wind_info.nc

$ pwd
$ ls
angle.txt           old_latitude.txt        v.txt
i_displacement.txt  old_longitude.txt       wind_info.nc
j_displacement.txt  polar_stereographic.txt wind_info.txt
new_latitude.txt    speed.txt
new_longitude.txt   u.txt
$ ncdump -h wind_info.nc
netcdf wind_info {
    y = 1000 ;
    x = 1000 ;
    yx = 1000000 ;
    vars = 6 ;
    float polar_stereographic ;
        polar_stereographic:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        polar_stereographic:straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole = -180. ;
        polar_stereographic:latitude_of_projection_origin = 90. ;
        polar_stereographic:scale_factor_at_projection_origin = 0.933069071736357 ;
        polar_stereographic:standard_parallel = 60. ;
        polar_stereographic:resolution_at_standard_parallel = 4000. ;
        polar_stereographic:false_easting = 0. ;
        polar_stereographic:false_northing = 0. ;
        polar_stereographic:semi_major_axis = 6378137. ;
        polar_stereographic:semi_minor_axis = 6356752.31424518 ;
        polar_stereographic:inverse_flattening = 298.257223563 ;
    float j_displacement(y, x) ;
        j_displacement:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        j_displacement:standard_name = "divergence_of_wind" ;
        j_displacement:description = "vertical pixel displacement at each pixel" ;
        j_displacement:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ;
    float i_displacement(y, x) ;
        i_displacement:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        i_displacement:standard_name = "divergence_of_wind" ;
        i_displacement:description = "horizontal pixel displacement at each pixel" ;
        i_displacement:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ;
    float new_latitude(y, x) ;
        new_latitude:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        new_latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ;
        new_latitude:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ;
        new_latitude:units = "degrees" ;
    float new_longitude(y, x) ;
        new_longitude:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        new_longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ;
        new_longitude:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ;
        new_longitude:units = "degrees" ;
    float old_latitude(y, x) ;
        old_latitude:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        old_latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ;
        old_latitude:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ;
        old_latitude:units = "degrees" ;
    float old_longitude(y, x) ;
        old_longitude:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        old_longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ;
        old_longitude:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ;
        old_longitude:units = "degrees" ;
    float v(y, x) ;
        v:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        v:standard_name = "northward_wind" ;
        v:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ;
        v:units = "m/s" ;
    float u(y, x) ;
        u:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        u:standard_name = "eastward_wind" ;
        u:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ;
        u:units = "m/s" ;
    float speed(y, x) ;
        speed:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        speed:standard_name = "wind_speed" ;
        speed:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ;
        speed:units = "m/s" ;
    float angle(y, x) ;
        angle:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        angle:standard_name = "wind_to_direction" ;
        angle:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ;
        angle:description = "Forward bearing of rhumb line" ;
        angle:units = "degrees" ;
    float wind_info(yx, vars) ;
        wind_info:_FillValue = NaNf ;
        wind_info:standard_name = "wind_speed" ;
        wind_info:description = "new_lat, new_long, speed, angle, v, u" ;
        wind_info:grid_mapping = "polar_stereographic" ;

// global attributes:
        :Conventions = "CF-1.7" ;

Content of text files

To reduce space, these examples are with a different (smaller) data set than the data used above.


straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole: -180.0
latitude_of_projection_origin: 90.0
scale_factor_at_projection_origin: 0.93
standard_parallel: 60.0
resolution_at_standard_parallel: 4000.0
false_easting: 0.0
false_northing: 0.0
semi_major_axis: 6378137.0
semi_minor_axis: 6356752.31
inverse_flattening: 298.26























Advanced examples

Getting shape of displacement file using area.sh:

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/area.sh 60 90 0
projection: stere
lat-ts: 60.0
lat-0: 90.0
long-0: 0.0
equatorial-radius: 6378137.0
eccentricity: 0.08
inverse-flattening: 298.26
shape: [1000, 1000]
area-extent: None
pixel-size: None
center: None

Error and usage messages

If incorrect commands were given:

$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 --pixel-size 4000
usage: wind_info.sh [-h] [-j int] [-i int] [-p] [-s path_name]
                    [--earth-ellipsoid str [val [units]] [str val [units]]]
                    [--center y x [units]] [--pixel-size dy [dx] [units]]
                    [--displacement-data filename] [--units str]
                    [--upper-left-extent y x [units]]
                    [--radius dy dx [units]]
                    [--area-extent y_ll x_ll y_ur x_ur [units]]
                    [--shape height width] [--projection str]
                    [--projection-ellipsoid [val [units]] [str val [units]]] [-v]
                    [--precision int]
                    lat-ts lat-0 long-0 delta-time
wind_info.sh: error: the following arguments are required: delta-time

If not enough information is provided to a script, this kind of error will be displayed (see common combinations of area information):

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/wind_info.sh 60 90 0 100 -i 0 -j 0 -p
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 35, in <module>
  File "pywinds/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pywinds/wrapper_utils.py",
  line 223, in run_script
    output = output_format(func(*args, **kwargs), **kwargs)
  File "pywinds/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pywinds/wind_functions.py", line 1046, in wind_info
  File "pywinds/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pywinds/wind_functions.py", line 451, in _compute_vu
  File "pywinds/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pywinds/wind_functions.py", line 418, in _compute_velocity
    no_save=no_save, save_directory=save_directory)
  File "pywinds/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pywinds/wind_functions.py", line 365, in _compute_lat_long
    raise ValueError('Not enough information provided to create an area for projection')
ValueError: Not enough information provided to create an area for projection

If an invalid area is created (in this case the lower left corner is the upper right corner):

$ pwd
$ ls
in.flo        pywinds
$ ./pywinds/area.sh 60 90 0 --upper-left-extent 60 45 deg -v
[WARNING: 2019-07-08 09:02:54 : pywinds.wind_functions] invalid area_extent.
  Lower left corner is above or to the right of the upper right corner:
[59.99999999999866, 135.00000000000003, 59.99999999999866, -44.99999999999999]
projection: stere
lat-ts: 60.0
lat-0: 90.0
long-0: 0.0
equatorial-radius: 6378137.0
eccentricity: 0.08
inverse-flattening: 298.26
shape: [1000, 1000]
area-extent: [60.0, 135.0, 60.0, -45.0]
pixel-size: [-4521.39, -4521.39]
center: [90.0, 0.0]


Brackets around an argument means that argument is optional.