Examples of setting up the interactive Image Composite Explorer (ICE) Version 5 (HTML5) for your own use

page updated 7/20/2018

Version 5 - Released 2017

Translation into Portuguese (thanks to Artur Weber)

Translation into Russian (thanks to StudyCrumb)


The ICE5 was developed for the NASA Earth Observatory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center by Tom Whittaker. It is a tool that can be used to let people explore satellite images and data using a web browser. It is designed to be flexible within its intended purpose, and can be easily configured using simple HTML parameters, as described below.

The ICE is coded in JavaScript using HTML5 standards and will, therefore, run in any modern web browser.

End-user environment

The ICE5 is run through a web browser. It was coded in HTML5 and CSS3. This can be used in any modern web browser, but may not be suitable for small screen devices (e.g., smartphone).

Modes of configuration

The ICE has five basic modes of operation:
  1. Color (RGB) combining
  2. Arithmetic combinations
  3. Animations
  4. Showing 3 images
  5. Showing a single image
In each of these modes, a common set of tools is provided --

What you need

Making ICE5 available to your users is as easy as putting the "ice5_min.js" file into an accessible directory on your Web server. (Right click on this link and "Save As".) You then need to make your GIF or JPEG images available on the same server (usually in a subdirectory of where you put the code). Finally, you need to imbed the webapp start-up and parameters into the HTML for one of your Web pages on that server.

The basic structure of the parameters that configure ICE5 is a JavaScript object, similar to this:

<script src="ice5_min.js">lt;script>
var ice5params = {
  filenames : "images/band02.jpg,images/band06.jpg,images/band07.jpg",
    labels : "0.87 micron,1.64 micron,2.13 micron",
    do_rgb : "yes",
    bgcolor :"#FFFF00"

<body onload="ICE5.init(ice5params, 'ice5div')">

<div id="ice5div"> <div>


You will need to decide which mode you want to use for a particular situation -- that's what the following examples will help you with:

Examples of the modes

  1. To present a color (RGB) combining operation, you would include this list of parameters in your HTML page:
    var ice5params = {
      filenames : "images/band02.jpg,images/band06.jpg,images/band07.jpg",
      labels : "0.87 micron,1.64 micron,2.13 micron",
      do_rgb : "yes",
      bgcolor :"#FFFF00"
    Click here to see this example in action.

  2. To present an arithmetic combining operation, you would imbed the following snippet in your page's HTML (we've also added an external color lookup table):
    var ice5params = {
      filenames : "images/band02.jpg,images/band06.jpg,images/band07.jpg",
      labels : "0.87 micron,1.64 micron,2.13 micron",
      do_math : "yes",
      colortable_labels : "AMSRE SST, modis_sky_wv, sst_35",
      colortable_filenames : "NEO_ACT2JSON/amsre_sst_anom.act.json, NEO_ACT2JSON/modis_sky_wv.act.json, NEO_ACT2JSON/sst_35.act.json", 
      calibration_filenames : "NEO_DIDDY2JSON/amsre_sst_diddy.xml.json, NEO_DIDDY2JSON/modis_lst_diddy.xml.json, NEO_DIDDY2JSON/sst_35_diddy.xml.json",
      bgcolor :"#FFFF00",
      result_decimal : "2",
      initial_math : "3.0, 0, 1.0, 2, -2.7",
      resolution :"km,1.5,1.5"
    Note the "initial_math" parameter. This illustrates using "pre-computing" such that the start-up main image panel will show the specified combination of the 3 images. See the description of "initial_math" later in this document.

    Click here to see this example in action.

  3. To present an animation of three images, you would imbed the following snippet in your page's HTML:
    var ice5params = {
      filenames : "images/band02.jpg,images/band06.jpg,images/band07.jpg",
      labels : "0.87 micron,1.64 micron,2.13 micron",
      do_animation : "yes",
      colortable_labels : "AMSRE SST, modis_sky_wv, sst_35",
      colortable_filenames : "NEO_ACT2JSON/amsre_sst_anom.act.json, NEO_ACT2JSON/modis_sky_wv.act.json, NEO_ACT2JSON/sst_35.act.json", 
      calibration_filenames : "NEO_DIDDY2JSON/amsre_sst_diddy.xml.json, NEO_DIDDY2JSON/modis_cld_ci_diddy.xml.json, NEO_DIDDY2JSON/sst_35_diddy.xml.json",
      calibration_decimal : "1,2,0",
      calibration_missing : "99999,99999,99999",
      bgcolor :"#FFFF00",
      resolution :"km,1.5,1.5"
    Click here to see this example in action.

  4. To present just three images that you want to display and allow the user to explore, you would use the "do_nothing" parameter. For example, you could imbed the following parameters in your page's HTML (we've also included an overlay image in this example):
    var ice5params = {
      filenames : "images/band02.jpg,images/band06.jpg,images/band07.jpg",
      labels : "0.87 micron,1.64 micron,2.13 micron",
      do_nothing : "yes",
      colortable_labels : "AMSRE SST, modis_sky_wv, sst_35",
      colortable_filenames : "NEO_ACT2JSON/amsre_sst_anom.act.json, NEO_ACT2JSON/modis_sky_wv.act.json, NEO_ACT2JSON/sst_35.act.json", 
      oldcalibration_filenames : "NEO_DIDDY2JSON/amsre_sst_diddy.xml.json, NEO_DIDDY2JSON/modis_npp_diddy.xml.json, NEO_DIDDY2JSON/sst_35_diddy.xml.json",
      oldcalibration_decimal : "1,2,0",
      calibration_decimal : "1,0,1",
      calibration : "^oC, 0=56.8, 176=-31.2, 254=110.2 & ^oK,slope=-.5,inter=320.1 & ~pix,0=255,
      overlay_labels : "Cities",
      overlay_tips : "Show some cities",
      overlay_filenames : "images/cities.png",
      bgcolor :"#FFFF00",
      origresolution :"km,1.5,1.5",
      distance_decimal : "1",
      navigation : "45.0, -100.0, 40.0, -90.0, nmi"
    Click here to see this example in action.

    Note that we've also added a calibration curve for each of the images, and these will be reflected in the probe values (along with the units specified). Note the "shorthand" for the superscripts for the degree and square symbol.

    If you want to use just one image, you can do something like this:

    var ice5params = {
      filenames : "images/band02",
      labels : "0.87 micron",
      do_nothing : "yes",
      bgcolor :"#FFFF00"
    Click here to see this example in action.

Complete list of HTML parameters and options

Here is a complete list of the parameters an options available in the ICE:

Copyright notice

The software described herein is the ICE (Image Componsite Explorer) package, a web-based toolkit for exploring image combinations. It was developed under contract to NASA Earth Observatory and is Copyright© 2002-2018 by Tom Whittaker.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it but you may NOT repackage and sell it.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

The developers or their employers or the spondering Agency are not responsible for any and all ramifications, etc., which may result from using this software, or software derived therefrom. Furthermore, you agree to hold us harmless from any consequences related to the use of this software.

That's it.