Space Science and Engineering Center
McIDAS Operations
The McIDAS Operations computer room at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) is staffed Monday thru Friday, from 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m., Central time. You can reach Operations staff by phone or email.
Administrative Messages
The ADDE text file ADMIN/MESSAGES contains information about events affecting McIDAS users. Operations staff updates this file as new information is received. The MESSAGES file includes the following information:
- changes in staffing (holiday, vacations)
- spacecraft schedule changes
- spacecraft maneuvers
- machine downtime
- Internet outages
Real-time Data
All real-time data at UW-SSEC is available via ADDE. The ADDE text
file ADMIN/RTSERVER lists general information
for each data source. It also contains the DATALOC commands necessary
to update your client routing tables. RTSERVER can be downloaded to
your machine and run as a batch job. The instructions for doing
this are given at the beginning of the file.
You can find more detailed information and schedules for each data source in the following ADDE text files:
Updated 5 February 1997 by McIDAS Operations.