Abstract The Advanced Weather Information Processing System (AWIPS) is the primary tool used by National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters to display model output, satellite data, radar imagery, redbook graphics, and surface and upper-air observations, as well as issue text warnings and statements. AWIPS, which contains a powerful, easy-to-use front-end graphical user interface known as Display Two Dimensions (D2D), is a one-stop resource for weather information critical to forecasting. However, until recently, AWIPS was unable to be run outside of a National Weather Service office. Through meticulous examination of AWIPS log files, a condensed, but full-functioning version of AWIPS was able to be run on a standalone machine outside of the NWS firewall, and ingest data using the Unidata Local Data Manager (LDM). With the ability for SSEC scientists and researchers to access AWIPS, it became possible to develop additional satellite imagery and products able to be rendered using AWIPS. These real-time data are available to NWS forecasters through a LDM feed from the SSEC through the NWS regional headquarters. Forecasters have expressed positive feedback viewing CRAS forecast satellite imagery and MODIS products in AWIPS. The development of products which add value to the operational forecast process continues today, one year after its inception. In short, AWIPS is a key tool in transitioning cutting-edge research into NWS operations. The presentation will provide a demonstration of AWIPS as well as its development history at SSEC through the present. |
Updated 16 July 2007 cimssmaster@ssec.wisc.edu | Space Science and Engineering Center University of Wisconsin-Madison |