www.bowl101.com                         Bowl101 (Eighth Edition)                Version 1.5.15 
    League Name         :2007-2008 SSEC League                          Date Bowled: 03/28/2008 
Lane assignment for week 24 << 04/04: Position Round >>         League Average = 132.39 Week 23 
Lanes: 1-2   3-4   5-6                                                                          
04/04: 3-5   6-2   1-4                                                                          
                              Current     Season                                                
Pos. No. Team Name          Won  Lost   Won  Lost  Pct PinsS PinsH Gms  Avg HiGS HiSS           
  1  3 The Reapers         23.0  10.0  38.0  31.0 .697 18905 30145  46  655  524  972           
  2  5 A Canticle For Leb  21.0  12.0  40.5  28.5 .636 14880 29386  46  638  412  762           
  3  6 Stacy's Mom         16.0  17.0  34.5  34.5 .484 17782 29764  46  647  465  885           
  4  2 Left Is Right       15.0  18.0  35.0  34.0 .454 18622 29746  46  646  508  937           
  5  1 Frumpies            13.0  20.0  31.0  38.0 .393 19756 29542  46  642  506  981           
  6  4 Fighting Mongooses  11.0  22.0  28.0  41.0 .333 17691 29203  46  634  459  845           
High    Scratch    Game High    Handicap   Game High   Scratch   Series High   Handicap  Series 
The Reapers         524 The Reapers         784 Frumpies            981 The Reapers        1468 
Left Is Right       508 Left Is Right       755 The Reapers         972 Left Is Right      1431 
Frumpies            506 A Canticle For Lebo 725 Left Is Right       937 Frumpies           1405 
Jay Heinzelman      268 Jim Hedrick         331 Jay Heinzelman      511 Jim Hedrick         565 
Jim Hedrick         259 Paul Czerniak       285 Jim Hedrick         421 Jay Heinzelman      517 
Corey Calvert       202 Amanda Howell       283 Mark Werner         373 Corey Calvert       514 
Bowler's Name         Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    Bowler's Name         Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    
 (Lane   1)  #[3] The Reapers                    (Lane   2) #[5] A Canticle For Lebowski        
 Jim Hedrick                57  7090  44 161    Corey Calvert               72  4662  32 145    
 Denny Hackel               79  4664  34 137    Ray Garcia                 141  1917  28  68    
 John Lalande               99  3878  34 114    Laurie Riley                92  4166  34 122    
                           235           412                               305           335    
 (Lane   3)  #[6] Stacy's Mom                    (Lane   4) #[2] Left Is Right                  
 Chris Schmidt              87  3341  26 128    Mark Werner                 62  6575  42 156    
 Paul Czerniak              82  5334  40 133    Jenny Stepp                 75  4817  34 141    
 Kevin Baggett              88  5111  40 127    Howard Berger              102  3777  34 111    
                           257           388                               239           408    
 (Lane   5)  #[1] Frumpies                       (Lane   6) #[4] Fighting Mongooses             
 Jay Heinzelman             15  7523  36 208    Steve Dutcher               80  2999  22 136    
 Jean Stover                64     0   0 153    Bill Bellon                 99  3433  30 114    
 Jen O'Leary               117  2858  30  95    Amanda Howell               81  2964  22 134    
                           196           456                               260           384    
Sub's Name            Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    Sub's Name            Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    
Becky Schaffer              91   246   2 123    Bruce Flynn                 98  1869  16 116    
Dan DeSlover                99   230   2 115    Dave Santek                 90     0   0 124    
Doug Adler                  70  3248  22 147    Joe Garcia                 144  1446  22  65    
Kris Bedka                  77     0   0 139    Krissy Dahnert              77     0   0 139    
Rick Kohrs                  69  1189   8 148    Rosie Spangler             115   195   2  97    
Sarah Bedka                 99     0   0 114    Tom Greenwald                0     0   0   0    
Tony Wimmers                83   264   2 132