www.bowl101.com                         Bowl101 (Eighth Edition)                Version 1.5.15 
    League Name         :2007-2008 SSEC League                          Date Bowled: 02/15/2008 
Lane assignment for week 19                                     League Average = 131.78 Week 18 
Lanes: 1-2   3-4   5-6                                                                          
02/22: 3-5   2-6   4-1                                                                          
                              Current     Season                                                
Pos. No. Team Name          Won  Lost   Won  Lost  Pct PinsS PinsH Gms  Avg HiGS HiSS           
  1  3 The Reapers         16.0   2.0  31.0  23.0 .888 14765 23635  36  656  524  972           
  2  6 Stacy's Mom         11.0   7.0  29.5  24.5 .611 13917 23329  36  648  465  885           
  3  5 A Canticle For Leb  10.0   8.0  29.5  24.5 .555 11723 23035  36  639  412  739           
  4  4 Fighting Mongooses   7.0  11.0  24.0  30.0 .388 13982 22900  36  636  459  845           
  5  1 Frumpies             6.0  12.0  24.0  30.0 .333 15275 23091  36  641  506  952           
  6  2 Left Is Right        4.0  14.0  24.0  30.0 .222 14310 22994  36  638  508  937           
High    Scratch    Game High    Handicap   Game High   Scratch   Series High   Handicap  Series 
The Reapers         524 The Reapers         784 The Reapers         972 The Reapers        1468 
Left Is Right       508 Left Is Right       755 Frumpies            952 Left Is Right      1431 
Frumpies            506 A Canticle For Lebo 725 Left Is Right       937 Frumpies           1405 
Jay Heinzelman      268 Jim Hedrick         331 Jay Heinzelman      511 Jim Hedrick         565 
Jim Hedrick         259 Amanda Howell       283 Jim Hedrick         421 Jay Heinzelman      517 
Corey Calvert       202 Howard Berger       282 Corey Calvert       360 Corey Calvert       514 
Bowler's Name         Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    Bowler's Name         Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    
 (Lane   1)  #[3] The Reapers                    (Lane   2) #[5] A Canticle For Lebowski        
 Jim Hedrick                59  5416  34 159    Corey Calvert               74  3426  24 142    
 Denny Hackel               78  3883  28 138    Ray Garcia                 143  1735  26  66    
 John Lalande              100  2725  24 113    Laurie Riley                92  3429  28 122    
                           237           410                               309           330    
 (Lane   3)  #[2] Left Is Right                  (Lane   4) #[6] Stacy's Mom                    
 Mark Werner                64  5218  34 153    Chris Schmidt               83  2923  22 132    
 Jenny Stepp                79  3571  26 137    Paul Czerniak               84  4208  32 131    
 Howard Berger             104  2844  26 109    Kevin Baggett               89  4032  32 126    
                           247           399                               256           389    
 (Lane   5)  #[4] Fighting Mongooses             (Lane   6) #[1] Frumpies                       
 Steve Dutcher              79  2743  20 137    Jay Heinzelman              11  5940  28 212    
 Bill Bellon                99  3225  28 115    Jean Stover                 64     0   0 153    
 Amanda Howell              81  2417  18 134    Jen O'Leary                118  2436  26  93    
                           259           386                               193           458    
Sub's Name            Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    Sub's Name            Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    
Becky Schaffer              91   246   2 123    Bruce Flynn                 98  1869  16 116    
Dan DeSlover                99   230   2 115    Dave Santek                 90     0   0 124    
Doug Adler                  72  2610  18 145    Joe Garcia                 145   764  12  63    
Kris Bedka                  77     0   0 139    Krissy Dahnert              77     0   0 139    
Rick Kohrs                  69  1189   8 148    Rosie Spangler             115   195   2  97    
Sarah Bedka                 99     0   0 114    Tom Greenwald                0     0   0   0    
Tony Wimmers                83   264   2 132