www.bowl101.com                         Bowl101 (Eighth Edition)                Version 1.5.15 
    League Name         :2007-2008 SSEC League                          Date Bowled: 10/26/2007 
Lane assignment for week 8                                      League Average = 129.11 Week  7 
Lanes: 1-2   3-4   5-6                                                                          
11/02: 1-4   5-3   6-2                                                                          
                              Current     Season                                                
Pos. No. Team Name          Won  Lost   Won  Lost  Pct PinsS PinsH Gms  Avg HiGS HiSS           
  1  4 Fighting Mongooses   2.0   1.0  13.0   8.0 .619  5547  9053  14  646  459  845           
  2  1 Frumpies             3.0   0.0  12.0   9.0 .571  5829  9197  14  656  468  931           
  3  5 A Canticle For Leb   3.0   0.0  11.5   9.5 .547  4585  8903  14  635  390  706           
  4  6 Stacy's Mom          0.0   3.0   9.5  11.5 .452  5377  9035  14  645  426  813           
  5  3 The Reapers          1.0   2.0   9.0  12.0 .428  5451  9005  14  643  511  972           
  6  2 Left Is Right        0.0   3.0   8.0  13.0 .381  5593  8935  14  638  472  866           
High    Scratch    Game High    Handicap   Game High   Scratch   Series High   Handicap  Series 
The Reapers         511 The Reapers         759 The Reapers         972 The Reapers        1468 
Left Is Right       472 A Canticle For Lebo 708 Frumpies            931 Frumpies           1405 
Frumpies            468 Fighting Mongooses  705 Left Is Right       866 Fighting Mongooses 1353 
Jay Heinzelman      268 Amanda Howell       283 Jay Heinzelman      489 Doug Adler          513 
Jim Hedrick         199 Jay Heinzelman      281 Jim Hedrick         350 Amanda Howell       510 
Amanda Howell       191 Jim Hedrick         280 Doug Adler          345 Jay Heinzelman      509 
Bowler's Name         Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    Bowler's Name         Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    
 (Lane   1)  #[1] Frumpies                       (Lane   2) #[4] Fighting Mongooses             
 Jay Heinzelman              0  2735  12 227    Steve Dutcher               70  1179   8 147    
 Bruce Flynn                98  1393  12 116    Bill Bellon                 97  1647  14 117    
 Jen O'Leary               122   897  10  89    Amanda Howell               81  1611  12 134    
                           220           432                               248           398    
 (Lane   3)  #[5] A Canticle For Lebowski        (Lane   4) #[3] The Reapers                    
 Corey Calvert              72  1158   8 144    Jim Hedrick                 72  1742  12 145    
 Ray Garcia                147   859  14  61    Denny Hackel                85  1823  14 130    
 Laurie Riley               92  1473  12 122    John Lalande               103  1101  10 110    
                           311           327                               260           385    
 (Lane   5)  #[6] Stacy's Mom                    (Lane   6) #[2] Left Is Right                  
 Chris Schmidt              84  1317  10 131    Mark Werner                 62  1882  12 156    
 Paul Czerniak              89  1518  12 126    Jenny Stepp                 81  1895  14 135    
 Kevin Baggett              90  1758  14 125    Howard Berger              104  1099  10 109    
                           263           382                               247           400    
Sub's Name            Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    Sub's Name            Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    
Becky Schaffer              91   246   2 123    Dan DeSlover                99   230   2 115    
Dave Santek                 90     0   0 124    Doug Adler                  72   872   6 145    
Jean Stover                 64     0   0 153    Kris Bedka                  77     0   0 139    
Krissy Dahnert              77     0   0 139    Rick Kohrs                  54     0   0 165    
Rosie Spangler             115   195   2  97    Sarah Bedka                 99     0   0 114    
Tom Greenwald                0     0   0   0