www.bowl101.com                         Bowl101 (Eighth Edition)                Version 1.5.15 
    League Name         :2007-2008 SSEC League                          Date Bowled: 10/12/2007 
Lane assignment for week 6                                      League Average = 127.89 Week  5 
Lanes: 1-2   3-4   5-6                                                                          
10/19: 3-2   4-5   1-6                                                                          
                              Current     Season                                                
Pos. No. Team Name          Won  Lost   Won  Lost  Pct PinsS PinsH Gms  Avg HiGS HiSS           
  1  4 Fighting Mongooses   2.0   1.0  11.0   4.0 .733  4041  6557  10  655  459  845           
  2  1 Frumpies             2.0   1.0   8.0   7.0 .533  4066  6548  10  654  468  931           
  3  2 Left Is Right        1.0   2.0   8.0   7.0 .533  3996  6328  10  632  472  866           
  4  6 Stacy's Mom          2.0   1.0   7.5   7.5 .500  3795  6393  10  639  414  788           
  5  5 A Canticle For Leb   1.0   2.0   5.5   9.5 .366  3211  6263  10  626  381  701           
  6  3 The Reapers          1.0   2.0   5.0  10.0 .333  3776  6260  10  626  427  808           
High    Scratch    Game High    Handicap   Game High   Scratch   Series High   Handicap  Series 
Left Is Right       472 Fighting Mongooses  705 Frumpies            931 Frumpies           1405 
Frumpies            468 Frumpies            705 Left Is Right       866 Fighting Mongooses 1353 
Fighting Mongooses  459 A Canticle For Lebo 702 Fighting Mongooses  845 A Canticle For Leb 1343 
Jay Heinzelman      268 Amanda Howell       283 Jay Heinzelman      489 Amanda Howell       510 
Jim Hedrick         199 Jay Heinzelman      281 Mark Werner         337 Jay Heinzelman      509 
Amanda Howell       191 Jim Hedrick         280 Amanda Howell       326 Kevin Baggett       490 
Bowler's Name         Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    Bowler's Name         Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    
 (Lane   1)  #[3] The Reapers                    (Lane   2) #[2] Left Is Right                  
 Jim Hedrick                77  1392  10 139    Mark Werner                 65  1223   8 152    
 Denny Hackel               87  1288  10 128    Jenny Stepp                 79  1372  10 137    
 John Lalande              103   886   8 110    Howard Berger              104   879   8 109    
                           267           377                               248           398    
 (Lane   3)  #[4] Fighting Mongooses             (Lane   4) #[5] A Canticle For Lebowski        
 Steve Dutcher              70   618   4 147    Corey Calvert               72   559   4 144    
 Bill Bellon                94  1207  10 120    Ray Garcia                 150   582  10  58    
 Amanda Howell              80  1364  10 136    Laurie Riley                93   975   8 121    
                           244           403                               315           323    
 (Lane   5)  #[1] Frumpies                       (Lane   6) #[6] Stacy's Mom                    
 Jay Heinzelman              2  1777   8 222    Chris Schmidt               82  1070   8 133    
 Bruce Flynn                99   924   8 115    Paul Czerniak               95   958   8 119    
 Jen O'Leary               122   897  10  89    Kevin Baggett               91  1239  10 123    
                           223           426                               268           375    
Sub's Name            Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    Sub's Name            Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    
Becky Schaffer              91   246   2 123    Dan DeSlover                 0     0   0   0    
Dave Santek                 90     0   0 124    Doug Adler                  84   527   4 131    
Jean Stover                 64     0   0 153    Kris Bedka                  77     0   0 139    
Krissy Dahnert              77     0   0 139    Rick Kohrs                  54     0   0 165    
Rosie Spangler               0     0   0   0    Sarah Bedka                 99     0   0 114    
Tom Greenwald                0     0   0   0