www.bowl101.com                         Bowl101 (Eighth Edition)                Version 1.5.15 
    League Name         :2005-2006 SSEC League                          Date Bowled: 01/13/2006 
Lane assignment for week 16                                                             Week 15 
Lanes: 1-2   3-4   5-6                                                                          
01/20: 3-6   2-4   5-1                                                                          
                              Current     Season                                                
Pos. No. Team Name          Won  Lost   Won  Lost  Pct PinsS PinsH Gms  Avg HiGS HiSS HiGH HiSH 
  1  3 9 Of Ten             6.0   0.0  23.0  22.0 1000 12409 19411  30  647  515  927  749 1395 
  2  2 SCN Sans Denny       6.0   0.0  28.5  16.5 1000 13574 19306  30  643  545 1052  713 1388 
  3  4 POBS                 3.0   3.0  20.0  25.0 .500 12450 19318  30  643  507  931  739 1419 
  4  1 Team Turkey          2.0   4.0  18.0  27.0 .333 11309 19181  30  639  436  821  696 1347 
  5  6 Team 6               1.0   5.0  24.0  21.0 .166 11498 19502  30  650  513  921  756 1407 
  6  5 Dark Horse           0.0   6.0  21.5  23.5 .000 12048 19414  30  647  461  892  704 1394 
High    Scratch    Game High    Handicap   Game High   Scratch   Series High   Handicap  Series 
SCN Sans Denny      545 Team 6              756 SCN Sans Denny     1052 POBS               1419 
9 Of Ten            515 9 Of Ten            749 POBS                931 Team 6             1407 
Team 6              513 POBS                739 9 Of Ten            927 9 Of Ten           1395 
Jay Heinzelman      257 Laurie Riley        316 Jay Heinzelman      491 Steve Dutcher       556 
Laurie Riley        222 Mike Dean           295 Mark Werner         386 Jim Hedrick         528 
Rick Kohrs          211 Steve Dutcher       282 Jim Hedrick         374 Laurie Riley        523 
Bowler's Name         Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    Bowler's Name         Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    
 (Lane   1)  #[3] 9 Of Ten                       (Lane   2) #[6] Team 6                         
 Krissy Dahnert             85  3398  26 130    Laurie Riley                88  2556  20 127    
 Tom Greenwald              81  3622  27 134    Steve Dutcher               77  1676  12 139    
 Rick Kohrs                 62  3127  20 156    Jean Stover                 72  2623  18 145    
                           228           420                               237           411    
 (Lane   3)  #[2] SCN Sans Denny                 (Lane   4) #[4] POBS                           
 Howard Berger             105  2609  24 108    Bruce Flynn                 98  2567  22 116    
 Jenny Stepp                81  3221  24 134    Mike Dean                   81  2437  18 135    
 Jay Heinzelman             13  4637  22 210    Mark Werner                 49  4099  24 170    
                           199           452                               228           421    
 (Lane   5)  #[5] Dark Horse                     (Lane   6) #[1] Team Turkey                    
 Will Robus                 91  2465  20 123    Amanda Howell               87  3345  26 128    
 Denny Hackel               84  3425  26 131    Kevin Baggett              103  3196  29 110    
 Jim Hedrick                72  4038  28 144    Chris Schmidt               77  3770  27 139    
                           247           398                               267           377    
Sub's Name            Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    Sub's Name            Handicap  Pins Gms Avg    
Becky Schaffer              91   739   6 123    Dave Santek - Left         128   494   6  82    
Doug Adler                  64   920   6 153    Jason Brunner                0     0   0   0    
Joe Taylor                 118     0   0  93    Kris Bedka                  93   730   6 121    
Matt Lazzara                 0     0   0   0    Sarah Bedka                108   222   2 105