www.bowl101.com Bowl101 (Eighth Edition) Version 1.5.15
League Name :2005-2006 SSEC League Date Bowled: 11/18/2005
Lane assignment for week 11 Week 10
Lanes: 1-2 3-4 5-6
11/25: <<>>
12/02: 4-3 6-5 2-1
Current Season
Pos. No. Team Name Won Lost Won Lost Pct PinsS PinsH Gms Avg HiGS HiSS HiGH HiSH
1 6 Team 6 2.0 1.0 18.0 12.0 .600 7464 13108 20 655 513 921 756 1407
2 4 POBS 1.0 2.0 16.0 14.0 .533 8296 12900 20 645 507 931 739 1419
3 2 SCN Sans Denny 3.0 0.0 15.0 15.0 .500 9140 12882 20 644 545 1052 713 1388
4 1 Team Turkey 1.0 2.0 14.5 15.5 .483 7672 12904 20 645 436 821 696 1347
5 5 Dark Horse 0.0 3.0 14.5 15.5 .483 7958 12886 20 644 461 839 704 1345
6 3 9 Of Ten 2.0 1.0 12.0 18.0 .400 8142 12846 20 642 452 887 685 1361
High Scratch Game High Handicap Game High Scratch Series High Handicap Series
SCN Sans Denny 545 Team 6 756 SCN Sans Denny 1052 POBS 1419
Team 6 513 POBS 739 POBS 931 Team 6 1407
POBS 507 SCN Sans Denny 713 Team 6 921 SCN Sans Denny 1388
Jay Heinzelman 257 Laurie Riley 316 Jay Heinzelman 491 Steve Dutcher 556
Laurie Riley 222 Mike Dean 295 Mark Werner 386 Laurie Riley 523
Mike Dean 210 Steve Dutcher 282 Doug Adler 345 Denny Hackel 509
Bowler's Name Handicap Pins Gms Avg Bowler's Name Handicap Pins Gms Avg
(Lane 1) #[4] POBS (Lane 2) #[3] 9 Of Ten
Bruce Flynn 93 1701 14 121 Krissy Dahnert 85 2343 18 130
Mike Dean 81 2157 16 134 Tom Greenwald 85 2223 17 130
Mark Werner 52 2351 14 167 Rick Kohrs 63 1848 12 154
226 422 233 414
(Lane 3) #[6] Team 6 (Lane 4) #[5] Dark Horse
Laurie Riley 87 1538 12 128 Will Robus 90 1745 14 124
Steve Dutcher 77 1676 12 139 Denny Hackel 84 2632 20 131
Jean Stover 72 1749 12 145 Jim Hedrick 77 2508 18 139
236 412 251 394
(Lane 5) #[2] SCN Sans Denny (Lane 6) #[1] Team Turkey
Howard Berger 101 1571 14 112 Amanda Howell 86 2324 18 129
Jenny Stepp 78 2492 18 138 Kevin Baggett 101 2140 19 112
Jay Heinzelman 16 2486 12 207 Chris Schmidt 72 2454 17 144
195 457 259 385
Sub's Name Handicap Pins Gms Avg Sub's Name Handicap Pins Gms Avg
Becky Schaffer 91 739 6 123 Dave Santek - Left 128 494 6 82
Doug Adler 67 613 4 150 Jason Brunner 0 0 0 0
Joe Taylor 118 0 0 93 Kris Bedka 72 488 4 144
Matt Lazzara 0 0 0 0 Sarah Bedka 108 222 2 105