java -cp ./ ViewServerif you want to keep the logging information, then re-direct the output into a file. For example:
java -cp ./ ViewServer >serve.txt 2&gs;i&1Note: if you're using Java version 1.0 or 1.1, the java command should be replaced by the jre command.
On our Unix machines, we usually do not run this as a daemon started by the system; rather, we have a crontab entry that checks every 15 minutes to see if the server is running -- if it is not, then it starts the server and sends an email message to someone. The crontab entry might look like:
0,15,30,45 * * * * /home/user/vview/makeserverrun >/home/user/vview/cout.txtwhich runs the makeserverrun script. Here's our version of makeserverrun:
#!/bin/ksh cd /home/user # these two lines are there to set up the environment . ./.profile # needed to run Java umask 002 # make sure that created files have rw-rw-r-- permissions ps -fu user >/home/user/vview/ps.txt value=`grep ViewServer /home/user/vview/ps.txt` stat=$? # the first 4 lines of the if block are there only to send an email notice if [ $stat -ne 0 ]; then echo Subject: Restarted VISITview Server >/home/user/vview/mailmessage.txt echo Precedence: bulk >>/home/user/vview/mailmessage.txt echo The VISITview Server was restarted at `date` >>/home/user/vview/mailmessage.txt cat /home/user/vview/mailmessage.txt |mail /home/user/vview/doserver fiwhere the doserver script is:
#!/bin/ksh cd /home/user # again, just setting up the correct environment . .profile # for running umask 002 cd /home/user/vview nohup java ViewServer >server.txt 2>&1 &
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