Radiances and Cloud Analyses
GOES Dwell Soundings

There are two types of metadata associated with this Product Set.  The Collection metadata are necessary for correct interpretation the data in the HDF granules.  The User Guide contains all the descriptive information about the collection as a whole.  The ESDTDescriptor file formally defines indexing terms and the relationship between the collection and the granules. The Radiation Code intended to be compiled and executed by users.   Because appropriate software for generating complete files in HDF format is not available at this time, some of the data and matadata for each Granule is included in an HTML file with the same filename, and the ODL .

Collection Metadata

User Guide for descriptive information  (in HTML )
ESDTDescriptor file (in Object Description Language ODL)
Radation Code (in FORTRAN with description in HTML))


Structure and content of  each granule (in HTML)
Partial Inventory Metadata (in ODL)

Modified  June 10, 1998      Return to Home Page