Instructions for submitting a Letter of Intent (LOI)
To be eligible for SSEC2022 funding, submission of a LOI is required and should include the following:
- Your project title
- Your anticipated co-principal investigators, co-investigators, and collaborators
- Estimated budget and spending plan
- A one-page abstract that addresses the following topics:
- Which of the five SSEC priority areas are being addressed?
- What external funding sources will be targeted?
- What are the innovative features, the potential impact, and the significance of the proposed activities?
- What activities will the seed funding support?
LOIs should be submitted via email to and cc Brad Pierce at
Your LOI will be reviewed by the SSEC Leadership Team, who will send you notification about whether your abstract fits the SSEC2022 criteria. For questions regarding submitting an abstract or eligibility, please contact any member of the SSEC Leadership Team.
Instructions for submitting a Full Proposal
- For new research and applications, strategic partnerships, or mission critical but underfunded capability proposals:
- A narrative, not to exceed five pages, that describes:
- The specific aims of the proposal including innovative features, the potential impact, and a statement about how these activities will contribute to SSEC priorities
- The approach proposed to address these specific aims
- A statement of the expected outcomes of the proposed activities and an explanation of how these activities will provide the necessary foundation for seeking external funding
- A timeline of research activities, including key milestones, for the funding period
- Plans for external grant or contract submissions
- Additional material, as appropriate:
- One page of figures or tables to accompany the narrative
- References (citations from the research literature)
- A narrative, not to exceed five pages, that describes:
- For major infrastructure improvements and capacity building proposals:
- A narrative, not to exceed five pages, that describes:
- A detailed summary of the proposed infrastructure improvements or capacity building and why they are necessary
- A summary of what ongoing or planned center activities that the infrastructure or capacity supports
- An explanation of how this request will add or maintain unique capabilities to SSEC infrastructure or capacities
- A plan to fund staffing and operational maintenance of the equipment or capacity after the period of SSEC2022 funding ends
- Additional material, as appropriate:
- One page of figures or tables to accompany the narrative
- References (citations from the research literature)
- A narrative, not to exceed five pages, that describes:
- A detailed budget summary, indicating the individual staff salary, fringe and other funding that will be needed. Although collaborations with UW-Madison faculty and/or other institutions are beneficial and encouraged, SSEC2022 funds cannot be used to cover these expenses. SSEC2022 funds can be used for graduate or post-doctoral stipends. Budgets should not include indirect cost. For assistance with proposal budget preparation, email
- Additional requirements
- One page CV from PIs required; explain qualifications of co-Is and what their specific role will be with clearly defined tasks
- PI should note current funding related to the proposed work. Similarly, note any related external funding attempts.
- If proposer is submitting a renewal, list the progress to date
- Best practices:
- Follow the template
- Clearly state which priority area your proposal supports and why
- Be clear – avoid making assumptions because it’s an internal proposal
- Provide enough details to back up your statements. Reference publications to support your proposal, as appropriate.
- Be careful building your timeline and milestones – avoid confusing quarter 4 of the calendar year with quarter 4 of the proposal year.
Full proposals should be submitted via email to and cc Brad Pierce at
For help and instructions on submitting a proposal, please visit:
Or email for assistance.