
SSEC2022 Goals

The goal of SSEC2022 is to stimulate and support new and innovative approaches for conducting research at the UW-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC). SSEC2022 is open to all SSEC staff and provides seed funding for five major SSEC2022 priorities:

  1. Pursuing new avenues of research and applications
  2. Establishing strategic partnerships
  3. Temporary support of mission critical but underfunded capabilities
  4. Supporting major infrastructure improvements
  5. Support capacity building

SSEC2022 will be competed on an annual basis and funding will be provided for one year. The minimum annual award will be $25,000 and the maximum annual award will be $250,000. The SSEC Transition Fund will be used to support SSEC2022 with annual budgets expected to be $2M, $1.5M, and $1M over the next three years. Research proposals that include collaboration with UW-Madison faculty are encouraged.