2021 in review — A year of science
These selected stories from 2021 reflect our continued pursuit of understanding our environment and saving lives through novel research and applications, along with our commitment to mentoring and education. Our work is not finished, but we are optimistic about the future.
Best wishes for a peaceful, safe and Happy New Year,
R. Bradley Pierce, SSEC Director and Tristan L’Ecuyer, CIMSS Director

The search for life on Venus — Past and present

Tweets and machine learning – Helping the National Weather Service understand its social media impact

Shark fins and internships – Solving real world problems through mentorship

Collaborating on the first hyperspectral infrared sounder in geo orbit

Flash drought — New index identifies important distinctions

Scientists gain better understanding of icy plumes associated with violent tornadoes

PREFIRE – CubeSat mission bolsters Arctic datasets for improved climate predictions

Three accomplished high school seniors awarded 2021 Suomi Scholarship

Sneak preview of TROPICS mission with rare pathfinder launch

Coldest cloud temps recorded by weather satellite

Two SSEC researchers win NASA New (Early Career) Investigator Program awards

CSPP GeoSphere provides new view of GOES-16 imagery

How much snow falls on the world’s mountains each year?