SSEC Data Center Goes to Eleven

September 6, 2012 | Mark Hobson

For the first time ever, the SSEC Data Center began ingesting and archiving satellite data simultaneously from eleven different geostationary satellites. In June, the Data Center began receiving South Korean COMS satellite data (located at 128 East) via an internet relay. That brought the number of GEOs received to ten.

The Data Center went up to eleven GEOs in August, when GOES-14 (located at 105 West) was brought out of storage and began running in 1-minute scanning mode.

Data from the eleven geostationary satellites are available from the SSEC Data Center in real-time via ADDE or from the online archive also using ADDE. Please contact the Data Center with questions on how to access these data.


COMS satellite visible channel full disk image from 18 July 2012.

Current Geostationary satellites available from the Data Center in real-time via ADDE:

GOES-12 (GOES South America 60 W)

GOES-13 (GOES East 75 W)

GOES-14 (GOES-Test 105 W)

GOES-15 (GOES-West 135 W)

MTSAT-2 (145 E)

COMS (128 E)

FY-2E (105 E)

FY-2D (86 E)


Meteosat-7 (57 E)

Meteosat-9 (0 E)

To view the satellite archive please go to our inventory page.
