2023 LANCE User Working Group Meeting
NASA’s Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (Earth Observing System) (LANCE) provides near real-time (NRT) data and imagery from 12 satellite instruments. LANCE products include near real-time (latency of 1-3 hours) and expedited latency of 1-4 days. The LANCE User Working Group (UWG) is responsible for providing guidance and recommendations concerning a broad range of topics related to the LANCE system, capabilities, and services. The UWG represents the broad needs of the LANCE applications user communities, while maintaining close ties with the various Science Teams for the instruments included in LANCE. The annual UWG meetings provide an overview of recent LANCE efforts and provide an open forum for the UWG to provide feedback and discuss ideas for the future direction of LANCE.
This year’s LANCE User Working Group Meeting will be held in room 235 at the Pyle Center, 702 Langdon St, on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus on 21 – 22 Jun 2023. Paid parking is available at the State Street Parking Garage (usually entering on the Lake Street side). Lunch (map) can be found at the carts on Library Mall, at the Memorial Union and its Terrace, or down State Street. No food/leftovers can be brought into the Pyle Center; however, drinks are allowed.