Status of Development of Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMV) Capabilities at NOAA
NOAA continues to expand its Atmospheric Motion Vector (AMV) capabilities to produce atmospheric winds from measurements obtained from a cadre of GEO and LEO satellites. Over the past two years, numerous development efforts are in progress at NOAA and its Cooperative Institutes to improve existing wind retrieval algorithm approaches and develop new ones. These efforts include: 1) Transition from the traditional baseline AMV algorithm to an enterprise AMV algorithm; 2) Expansion of a GEO-GEO stereo winds capability to include GEO-LEO configurations that include combinations of GOES ABI, Himawari AHI, S-NPP VIIRS, and NOAA-20 VIIRS; 3) Demonstrations of Dual and Tandem VIIRS winds from S-NPP and NOAA-20; 4) Demonstration of high resolution AMVs in the vicinity of Tropical Cyclone (TC) vortices and their nearby environments; and 5) Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven Dense Optical Flow (DOF) techniques, applied to GOES ABI observations. The goal of these efforts is to provide satellite derived wind observations that improve the quality and coverage of today’s satellite wind observations and offer opportunities to improve the use this wind information in existing and new applications. The status of these expanded capabilities will be introduced in this talk.