Assimilation of NWCSAF AMVs from Himawari at the Bureau of Meteorology
At the Bureau of Meteorology, in addition to our global Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS-G) model, we run seven convective-scale ACCESS-C models, which cover the capital city regions of each state plus far-North Queensland. The ACCESS-C models are dependent on locally-processed satellite observations to meet the data assimilation cycle cut-off time.
This presentation will describe an impact assessment, in the Sydney and Darwin configurations of ACCESS-C, of locally-generated Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) from Himawari-8 using the software from EUMETSAT’s Nowcasting Satellite Application Facility (NWCSAF). We intend to assimilate Himawari-9 AMVs generated using the NWCSAF software in all the ACCESS-C and ACCESS-G domains by mid-2023.