Technical Computing
by John Lalande
SSEC recently purchased and installed a replacement projector for the 1039 conference room. The new projector is brighter and sharper than the loaner projector AOS was kind enough to provide after the previous 1039 projector failed.
The projector was installed a week ago, but we did not have an adapter that would let us use the existing DVI cable. The adapter has now been installed, so those of you with DVI connections on your laptops can present via DVI. We still need to replace the VGA cable -- you'll notice some slight ghosting when connecting to the projector via VGA; we think this is due to a bad VGA cable as the DVI projection works fine. We will hopefully have the cable replaced in the next week or so.
Longer-term, we're working to get a more professional A/V install in 1039 -- ideally we would like to have the A/V cables for the projector run in a conduit (not laid across the floor), with a wall-mounted control panel that could be used to change video inputs on the projector. We will be working with some local A/V installers to get estimates and will go from there.
If you have any questions or comments about the A/V facilities in 1039, please contact me. / 608-263-2268