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March 2013

Director's Note

tom achtorTom Achtor

The SSEC Media Team plays a key role in developing and disseminating information about SSEC science and engineering research to a range of audiences. It also plays a key role in...more

Department News

Human Resources

The UW Madison HR Design Project status Presentation on Monday schedule...more

Comings and Goings



margaret and betsy

Climate Science Day on Capitol Hill

Margaret Mooney, Director of CIMSS Education and Outreach, climbed Capitol Hill on 26-27 February 2013 to participate in Climate Science Day in Washington, D.C...more

man on snow

Traversing Antarctica in 1957 -- Charlie Bentley's Adventures

On 14 January 2010, Dr. Charles Bentley was the guest speaker at a Wednesday session of the "South Pole Sunday Science Talks" in the galley of the new South Pole Station, where he presented a slide show of his first trip to Antarctica....more


passport and ticket

Hand-Carrying Equipment Out of the Country

Are you planning a trip outside of the country? Are you planning on taking any scientific/research equipment (hardware or software) along as part of this trip?...more


hr logo

UW Madison HR Design Project

Project update on plan implementation: Schedule of events on Monday and Tuesday...more



Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science.

Ralph Waldo Emerson