March 2012

GOES-R Highlighted as Part of a NASA Outreach Effort

Tim Schmit (NOAA/NESDIS) has written an article entitled “Watching From Above – WAY Above,” describing the GOES series of satellites and their importance in understanding the Earth’s weather and climate.

tim schmitt title page

Intro section of the NASA Mission Chronicles web page.

goes animation

The current GOES show Hurricane Katrina in five bands (frequencies) of light, while the new GOES-R advanced imager will detect 16 bands. Credit: UW-CIMSS, NOAA

The article is featured in NASA’s Mission Chronicles, part of “The Space Place,” an online publication jointly created by NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the California Institute of Technology, and the International Technology and Engineering Education Association.

The Space Place is an education and public outreach project of NASA's New Millennium Program, which continues to be its primary supporter. Its target audience is elementary-school-age kids. Its purpose is to reach the young audience with the message that science and technology and learning about space are fun and within their grasp.

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