Human Resources
By Kate Kaminski
The Human Resources Department has gone through a number of changes over the past couple months. Sally Loy retired at the end of April; I was hired as the new HR Manager in mid April and will be working on a variety of employee relations and HR initiatives. Denise Weidner was hired as the HR Assistant in May and will be working on recruitments, new employee orientation and training. Jean Stover has returned (her new office is Room #329) as the Payroll and Benefits coordinator at the end of May and will be working on payroll and various visa work.
We have a lot of plans to make the HR Department a strong launching pad for new employees and a great resource for current employees. We will be taking some time to get ourselves organized and get solid fundamentals in place before we venture into new territory, so be patient while we get ourselves situated.
Your input is extremely valuable in helping us to do a better job serving you. If you have any HR questions, feedback, or simply want to introduce yourself, don't hesitate to stop by my office.