Technical Computing
by Endre Doeringsfeld
What's new in TC and the Windows side of the world (not to be confused with Pella or Anderson):
Executive summary:
New File and Printer server:
- coming Summer of 2011
- 50% more available disk space (no, not for a larger mp3 collection)
- Windows Fail-over Cluster (2 nodes vs. 1) for reliable client access
- Continued accessibility for Mac and Unix system
Passwords: min. 8 characters, Alpha, Numeric & Special character
TC Student (members & changes)
XP -> Windows 7 work with a TC member to schedule your migration soon
File and Print Server
This summer (2011) TC will be replacing our current file and print server (BEAN) with new hardware, updated server operating system (OS) and a new file structure (details coming soon). The replacement system (name not yet determined) is a pair of Dell R815's running Microsoft Server 2008 R2 using a Failover Cluster configuration, connected to a PowerVault MD3200 (storage/disk space). The replacement will have 50% more (than the current) disk space available. If needed, we can expand available disk space with the addition of a Dell MD1200 PowerVault.
Ok, yeah, I get it, passwords = root canal. The fact is they are important and for most individuals, it's their primary means of authentication (ie. here are my credentials).
Current Center password criteria closely follows campus baseline, 8 characters containing letter(s), number(s) and special character(s). a link to the UW campus Baseline Password Standard can be found at:
Technical Computing is authorized by the SSEC to perform various security scans, penetration testing, and password cracking to identify vulnerable passwords. This is a routine part of TC's responsibility for overall network security.
Please note that it is expressly against policy for anyone to run any type of password cracking tool or network penetration testing without being authorized by SSEC directors.
- Chris Beley, Pat O'Connell, Jason Paulsen, Justin Smith, Drew Rushmer
- Graduating: Rob Basch
- New Student: Kelly Freeman
Windows Desktop
If you have been putting off or have not scheduled a time with TC to upgrade your Windows XP to Windows 7, please do so soon.
McIDAS-X (Windows XP) users: updated software for Windows 7 coming soon. Contact MUG for more details.