Human Resources
Summary Chart for 2013 Benefit Changes
Click here for a .pdf file outlining the 2013 Benefit Changes
Verify Your Payroll Information
With the start of a new year, it is always beneficial to do a review of your paystub and verify everything is accurate. For classified staff many of the premiums increased on your December 13, 2012 check; for unclassified staff the premiums increased on your January 2, 2013 check. Below are some things to be aware of as we begin the 2013 benefit year.
The Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) employee contribution rate for 2013 will be increasing from 5.9% to 6.65%. This change will occur on the first check payable in 2013.
Premiums for Individual and Family Life Insurance and UW Employees, Inc. Life Insurance are based on your age as of January 1st of the year. If you move to a new premium age category as of January 1, 2013, your premium will increase on the check paid on December 13, 2012 for classified, January 2, 2013 for unclassified.
2012 W-2 Information:
In late January 2013, your W-2 tax form will be mailed to you at your HOME address, unless you have a separate MAILING address listed in your MyUW. If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to review you mailing address online in MyUW under the Work Record tab -> Personal Information.
To make updates to your home or mailing address, review the following instructions:
**If you make changes to your address, please notify SSEC HR so we can update our information as well.**
If you need a duplicate tax statement, requests can be made online at Requests for the previous year are processed at no change, but will not be completed before February 15, 2013.
submitted by Denise Weidner.