Academic Staff
Opening Academic Positions at SSEC
SSEC brings together groups of dedicated individuals working together to accomplish our goals. We run on a relatively lean budget meaning the members of our staff are carefully chosen to contribute to the effective operation of SSEC. Employees must be willing to work on whatever needs to be done to further our mission. The role of SSEC administration is to help facilitate this process and ensure that employees abide by the laws of Wisconsin and the university.
University employees fall into three general categories:
- unclassified
- classified
- undergraduate student workers
Unclassified staff includes faculty, academic staff, limited-term appointees, and graduate students. Classified staff is permanent or project employees.
The Wisconsin Statutes explicitly define the Academic staff as administrative or professional. All faculty, academic staff and limited appointee positions at the UW-Madison may be filled only after proper OPEN RECRUITMENT begins. Federal and State Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunities policies and regulations require that efforts be made to increase the number of women, minority and other protected group employment applications. The Recruitment Efforts Plan (REP) is designed to ensure that adequate steps have been taken to attract and recruit a diverse pool of qualified applicants.
As soon as the Program Manager/Supervisor anticipates a vacancy for an academic staff, contact SSEC HR (Sally Loy or John Roberts) so we may open a PVL (Position Vacancy Listing) in accordance with University policy. We will discuss with you funding information, type of appointment, title, percent, renewable or terminal appointment, date position available, degree and area of specialization, minimum number of years and type of work experience required, description of the position, application deadline date, either a minimum salary or a salary range may be used. The rate must be at least the UW Madison minimum for that title. SSEC HR uses the UTG (Unclassified Title Guidelines) to determine the proper category of employment and title. Upon completion of the PVL it is forwarded to the Graduate School’s HR for final review before submission to APO (Academic Personnel Office).
Before Release, APO gives persons with referral priority (layoffs and non-renewed long term employees) an opportunity to apply. Once a PVL has been released, the application deadline date cannot be shortened. Academic Staff Positions must be posted for a minimum of two weeks. If the position has a salary figure of Range 8 minimum $69,980 or above, at least regional advertising is required and must be posted for a minimum of four weeks. PVL’s can remain open for a maximum of 18 months. If no one has been hired, a new PVL must be submitted and a new recruitment is required. If significant changes to the PVL occur during or after open recruitment, open recruitment must be extended or reopened to insure an appropriate pool of applicants.
The University database contains Position Vacancy Listings (PVLs) for open Faculty, Academic Staff (professional positions unique to higher education) and Limited positions (higher level administrative positions) available at UW-Madison. HOW TO APPLY: Unless additional information is provided on the PVL, you should send a resume/vita and cover letter (include reference to PVL Number) directly to the contact person listed on the PVL. There are no application forms to complete. Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding applicants must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality.
Some places where SSEC has advertised are:
- Madison Newspapers
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- Minneapolis/St. Paul Tribune
- Affirmative Action Register
- American Meteorological Society
- Science Magazine/AAAS (
- American Geophysical Unio
- UW College of Engineering Career Services
- National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
- Nature Magazine
- Chronicle Careers
- Directory of Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
- Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
- Society of Women Engineers Mag
- Hispanics in Higher Education
- National Research Council
- Madison Careers