February 2013

SSEC/CIMSS Go Big in Texas

The renowned Austin, Texas, music scene was upstaged by the 93rd Annual AMS Annual Meeting held from 06 - 10 January 2013. The theme of the conference, Taking Predictions to the Next Level: Expanding Beyond Today's Weather, Water, and Climate Forecasting and Projections, was a good fit for the work being done at SSEC and CIMSS.

opening night crowd

Crowds lined up early for the 5:30 pm, Monday 07 January, opening of the Exhibit Hall.

Over 30 oral presentations and nearly 40 posters on display delivered bySSEC/CIMSS researchers and students covered topics as diverse as:

Steve Ackerman, Director of CIMSS presented as part of the Panel of Teaching Award Winners.

Tim Schmit served as a co-chair of the Future Operational Environmental Satellite Systems symposium, and gave two oral presentations related to the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on GOES-R.



SSEC maintained an exhibit booth during the meeting demonstrating some of the Center’s latest research, providing close-up looks at the 3-D globe, and allowing visitors to sample the full release version of
McIDAS-V’s visualization tools.

steve ackerman





Steve Ackerman, Margaret Mooney, Patrick Rowley, Dave Santek, and Tim Schmit
presenting at the AMS Convention.

Several presentations by SSEC/CIMSS researchers have been made available online:

EarthNow: Communicating Climate Forecasts Using NOAA's Science on a Sphere (Patrick Rowley, presenter)

Visualizing Geostationary and Polar-Orbiting Weather Products in McIDAS-V (Joleen Feltz, presenter)

The CIMSS iPad Library and ESIP Workshops (Margaret Mooney, presenter)

McIDAS-V, Visualization, and Data Analysis for Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (William Straka, presenter)

The GOES-R Proving Ground: Summer 2012 Summer Experiment at the Aviation Weather Center (Amanda Terborg, presenter)

More information about the presentations at the AMS Conference is available.

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