North Carolina Museum Presentation and ESIP Teacher Workshop
The fifth annual Earth Science and Information Partners (ESIP) Teacher Workshop took place on Tuesday, July 9th, 2013, on the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill campus. Although the workshop was scaled back due to limited funding, the experience earned high ratings by the 14 regional teachers who came to learn about climate change and NOAA and NASA educational resources.
The ESIP meeting moved to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences on Wednesday, July 10th, where several ESIP members presented Ted-style talks in a huge high resolution theater called the Daily Planet.
Margaret Mooney presenting at the ESIP Teacher Workshop.
Margaret Mooney from the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) made a presentation entitled “Using Satellites to Track and Share Weather and Climate Information” showing several stunning animations from the CIMSS Satellite Blog.
Featured animations progressed from 15-minute operational displays to rapid scan (5-minute) and super rapid scan (1-minute) imagery. This provided the opportunity to explain advantages of the next generation GOES-R satellite.
The presentation also included several day-night band images from the Suomi NPP satellite before ending with a Climate Digest video from the CIMSS EarthNow Blog.
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