April 2012

New Group Formed to Study Unusual Weather

Dateline: 01 April 2012

In response to the record-breaking mild winter weather seen in Wisconsin through March, researchers at SSEC have convened a special study group, the Weather Transition Forum (WTF), to investigate this latest climate anomaly.

Mark Hobson, the Public Information Coordinator of SSEC, commented: “We are hoping that this new group will be the go-to organization when people are curious about this incredible unseasonal weather we are having. We are hoping that anyone with questions will simply ask WTF.”

wtf logo

Hobson goes on: “WTF is the best response we have when dealing with unusual weather like this. Weather and climate are vast, complicated systems. They are very difficult to predict with any real certainty. Relieving confusion is the primary benefit of WTF. Whether we notice that days are much warmer than usual, or even if we are simply curious about how it all comes together, our best strategy is to ask WTF.”

“The old saying is that everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it,” Hobson says. “Well, now we have an answer. And the answer is: WTF.”

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