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General Information about McIDAS-XRD

McIDAS-XRD is a software package available to all McIDAS-X sites, requiring no additional MUG fees. McIDAS-XRD contains research and development commands that are not part of core supported McIDAS-X.

A login name and password is required to download any software. Once you've entered your valid login name and password, you can obtain any other McIDAS software your site is licensed to receive (e.g., McIDAS-X and McIDAS-XCD).

McIDAS-XRD is a package containing research and development commands that are not part of McIDAS-X. McIDAS-XRD can only be used in combination with McIDAS-X, and must be installed after McIDAS-X has been built and installed.

The -XRD software is provided on an "as is" basis, meaning it is not MUG-supported. The software in these packages is submitted by programmers at various MUG sites. The software is added to the package if it may be useful to other sites and it meets some basic code standards.

SSEC McIDAS User Services packages and distributes the -XRD software, but does little or no testing of the commands and does not provide any documentation. Each command's on-line help is all that's available for documentation. McIDAS User Services will forward all bug reports to the programmer that submitted the software. However, there is no guarantee that bugs will be fixed, as it's up to the programmer to decide whether or not to fix the bugs.


McIDAS-XRD 2010.2 Software and Instructions

McIDAS-XRD version 2010.2 was distributed 28 December 2010 and is included in the McIDAS-X 2010.2 installation files. This change (packaging McIDAS-XRD within McIDAS-X) began with version 2009.1 and applies to it and all subsequent versions of -X and -XRD.

Use the information in the bullets below to determine if you have already installed McIDAS-XRD 2010.2, and if not, how to do it.

  • If you used the "all" packages option when installing McIDAS-X 2010.2, you have McIDAS-XRD 2010.2 installed and can start using the -XRD commands.
  • If you used the "x" packages option when installing McIDAS-X 2010.2, go to the Building and Installing McIDAS-X 2010.2 instructions (Unix or XP), and follow the installation instructions using the "xrd" packages option to install -XRD.
  • If you haven't installed McIDAS-X 2010.2, you can obtain the McIDAS-XRD files through the McIDAS-X 2010.2 Software and Instructions web page using your site's login and password (Unix or XP). If you do not know the login and password, ask your site coordinator. To build -XRD, go to the Building and Installing McIDAS-X 2010.2 instructions (Unix or XP), and follow the installation instructions using the "all" packages option to install -X and -XRD.

Once the installation steps are completed, you should be able to run any of the commands included in the McIDAS-XRD 2010.2 package which contains 114 commands, 26 servers and 126 data files.


Previous version

  • McIDAS-XRD 2010.1: Unix or XP (for use with McIDAS-X 2009.2) Software and Installation Instructions