24-Dec-2024 This file contains the list of McIDAS-X version 2024.1 modules that were changed since the previous release (version 2023.1). This information is provided so you can see exactly what has changed since version 2023.1 (and note bug fixes, try new features, etc.). The changes are listed below, sorted by SSEC inquiry number. Each entry contains the following information: - SSEC inquiry number (the five-digit number at the beginning) - each module that was updated in the inquiry, followed by the module's CVS version number - a general description of the changes and how they impact McIDAS Modules released 24-Dec-2024 in version 2024.1 Ready to release (24) 17621 mcinet.sh 1.56 mclisten.c 1.18 mcserv.cp 1.47 mcservl.cp 1.16 Increases were made to the timeout setting in the xinetd protocol, as well as updates to help performance and stability that have been used in Satellite Data Services. 17618 RGB-FCI.MCB 1.1 RGB.MCB 1.12 The -XRD RGB command was updated with RGB formulas for the Meteosat Third Generation satellite. 17617 RGB-ABI.MCB 1.6 The -XRD RGB command's ABI Differential Water Vapor RGB recipe was fixed with the correct gamma values. 17616 RGB-ABI.MCB 1.5 RGB-AHI.MCB 1.2 RGB-VIIRS.MCB 1.7 RGB.MCB 1.10 The -XRD RGB command was updated with the Cloud Phase RGB recipe for ABI, AHI, and VIIRS data. 17615 mcinst.sh 1.166 The installation script was updated for the new macOS installation with Podman containers. 17612 wtxdbgserv.c 1.5 wwlist.c 1.63 The XCD servers were updated for consistency with the WWLIST command between old and new XCD. Also WWLIST was updated to display the correct number of lines and correct reports with OUT=RAW. 17599 CORE.SAT 1.34 imgparm.pgm 1.14 The IMGPARM command and CORE.DAT data file were updated with Suomi NPP and NOAA20-23 satellite information. 17593 OUTANTBASIN 1.1 The map file, OUTANTBASIN, was added to the -XRD package. This is an Antarctic drainage basin map. 17588 mtglks.c 1.2 This is a preliminary release of the Meteosat Third Generation Lightning data server. This is not functional currently, just a place holder for the new server development. 17587 ptcopy.pgm 1.34 The NROW= keyword was removed from the PTCOPY documentation. It is not functional in the new XCD server. 17582 imgdisp.pgm 1.139 mcexptxt.for 1.31 The IMGDISP command was updated so the frame label will now display the resolution correctly for MAG= values of 0.0001 to 9999. 17581 ptdbfhsub.f 1.8 ptdbkssub.f 1.25 sqlite_c_to_fortran_wrapper.c 1.22 The new -XCD server code was updated with an enhancement to PTLIST FORM=FILE listings, server timeouts for point data, and an improvement to better handle GFSMOS/NAMMOS data. 17578 kbxfcin.dlm 1.10 The Meteosat Third Generation calibration module was updated to correctly report RAD values for BANDS 14-16 when using IMGCOPY to create AREA files. 17560 dsserve.pgm 1.114 imgcopy.pgm 1.134 imgdisp.pgm 1.137 imgfilt.pgm 1.66 imgoper.pgm 1.66 maknav.pgm 1.31 The help files of DSSERVE, MAKNAV and other IMG* commands were updated to make it clear that the RECT projection is rectangular and not rectilinear. 17544 nexrad.f 1.4 radar.f 1.4 RADARDATA.CORE 1.3 The -XRD commands RADAR and NEXRAD were updated with real-time -XCD RADAR dataset defaults. 17541 SATBAND 1.122 The SATBAND data file (and Meteosat Third Generation Python ADDE server package) were updated to support high resolution mode data. 17536 kbxfcin.dlm 1.8 The Meteosat Third Generation calibration module was updated for when displaying a copied AREA file the space pixels will be white. 17530 CORE.SAT 1.32 The CORE.SAT data file was updated so the IMGPARM command now creates the correct output bands for Meteosat Third Generation data. 17528 aboutgui.gui 1.43 license.txt 1.12 makefile 1.370 makefile 1.25 mcinst.sh 1.168 RGB.MCB 1.9 VERSION.TXT 1.116 XRD.TXT 1.35 Updated system files, helps, and copyrights for 2024.1. 17526 OUTNWSCWA 1.5 USCOUNTY.MAP 1.37 USSTATE.MAP 1.21 USZONE.MAP 1.32 The USSTATE.MAP, USZONE.MAP, USCOUNTY.MAP files were updated with the current NWS shapefiles since the previous release. The OUTNWSCWA file was also updated in -XRD. 17515 DCIRAB 1.5 m0rabdec.f 1.19 m0rabdec.f 1.15 m0sigrabdec.f 1.13 obtdbgserv.c 1.9 sqlite_text.f 1.103 sqlite_text_upperman.f 1.26 wmorte.f 1.4 The new XCD servers and DCIRAB schema file were updated for signficant upper air level data. The schema file was expanded to handle more levels of SIGT and SIGW reports. 17503 mcgetscantime.for 1.15 The module for reporting satellite scan line times was updated to report those values for Meteosat Third Generation imagery. 17493 mci_curs.c 1.29 The CUR command STAT option was updated to add a "~" before the TEMP listing. The formatting was also updated to ensure no displayed values run into each other. 17408 nvxgeos.dlm 1.14 The navigation module used by the Meteosat Third Generation servers was updated for better accuracy when comparing imagery displayed from the server and from copied AREA files.