All Classes and Interfaces

Class that represents the "Help>About McIDAS-V" window.
Simplistic representation of ADDE accounting information.
Widget to select images from a remote ADDE server Displays a list of the descriptors (names) of the image datasets available for a particular ADDE group on the remote server.
Represents a source of ADDE data.
Represents the possible actions that an ADDE editor can perform.
Where did this entry come from?
Has the user elected to disable this entry from appearing in its relevant chooser?
Type of chooser this should appear under.
Sort of a "misc" status field...
A chooser for adde front products
Widget to select images from a remote ADDE server Displays a list of the descriptors (names) of the image datasets available for a particular ADDE group on the remote server.
Widget to select images from a remote ADDE server Displays a list of the descriptors (names) of the image datasets available for a particular ADDE group on the remote server.
Abstract DataSource class for images files.
Selection widget for ADDE point data
Selection widget for ADDE point data
A data source for ADDE point data
The ADDE Server preference panel is almost a read-only "view" of the current state of the server manager.
This class is essentially a specialized tuple of the different things required by the IdvPreferenceManager.
Selection widget for specifing data sources of NOAA National Profiler Network data.
Widget to select NEXRAD radar images from a remote ADDE server Displays a list of the descriptors (names) of the radar datasets available for a particular ADDE group on the remote server.
A chooser class for selecting Raob data.
Class for retrieving upper air data from an ADDE remote server.
Thread that actually execs the "mcservl" process.
Mcserv events.
Thread to read the stderr and stdout of mcservl.
Advanced Dvorak Technique Display Control Algorithm developed at UW Madison/CIMSS to objectively determine tropical cyclone intensity from geostationary satellite infrared imagery.
Class AnimatedGifEncoder - Encodes a GIF file consisting of one or more frames.
McIDAS-V needs to handle a few command line flags/options that the IDV does not.
Representation of an AXFORM header file.
Background task class supporting cancellation, completion notification, and progress notification.
GUI widget that allows users to attempt to specify an "NCML" if a given NetCDF is not CF-compliant.
Creates a JViewport that draws a striped backgroud corresponding to the row positions of the given JTable.
Approximations de quelques calculs astronomiques relatifs aux calendriers terrestres.
A collection (ugh) of static methods that make working with Java's default collections a bit easier, or at least allows you to elide some of the redundancy of idiomatic Java.
This is largely the same as GuiUtils.ColorSwatch, but it remembers the user's recently selected colors.
A data choice that simply holds a reference to a visad.Data object
A Command is an action that can alter the state of an Interpreter.
A popup window that attaches itself to a parent and can display an component without preventing user interaction like a JComboBox.
Maps a "jython action" to a keystroke.
Application wide constants.
This is a "convenience" class--use these methods to reduce boilerplate parameter verification.
Provides support for a Displayable that comprises a set of drawn curves.
A utility class for some date operations.
Clears out the console's JTextPane, though a fresh jython prompt is shown afterwards.
Basic "copy" operation.
Allows the user to trigger a "cut" operation.
Generalized representation of a "context popup menu".
Allows the user to (attempt) to paste the contents of the system clipboard.
Selects everything contained in the console's JTextPane.
Based on the juniversalchardet example code.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Represents a startup option that should be selected from the contents of a given directory.
Interface definition of a simple directory watch service.
This is a rather simplistic drag and drop enabled JTabbedPane.
To be perfectly honest I'm still a bit fuzzy about DataFlavors.
Used to simply provide a reference to the originating DraggableTabbedPane while we're dragging and dropping.
This class represents a Command that removes an object from the local namespace of an Interpreter.
McIDAS-V ADDE server manager.
Enumeration of the various server manager events.
Useful methods for doing things like converting a AddeServer to a RemoteAddeEntry.
Representation of an ENVI header file.
ErrorCodeAreaUtils sole purpose is to allow McIDAS-V to associate the error codes in AddeException with any exceptions generated by AreaAdapter or AreaDirectoryList.
Monitors the AWT event dispatch thread for events that take longer than a certain time to be dispatched.
FileChooser is another "UI nicety" extension.
Allows for easy searching of files matching "glob" patterns (e.g.
Internal class used by the findFiles(...) methods to actually "walk" the directory tree.
Represents a file selection.
This is an implementation that will read in a generic data file and return a single Data choice that is a VisAD Data object.
Class that can read file formats associated with FlatFileDataSource.
Abstraction of FocusTraversalPolicy that allows for easy creation of the traversal policy.
Class FrameComponentInfo Holds the state of the frame components from McIDAS-X
Class FrameDirectory holds information obtained from frame directory files, FRAMEn.p, from McIdas-X
Class FrameDirtyInfo Holds the state of the frame components from McIdas-X
Utilities for efficiently upscaling and downscaling data referenced on the GOES-16 2km, 1km and hkm Fixed Grid Frame (FGF).
Wrapper for OperatingSystemMXBean.
Simple wrapper around GetVer and GetMem.
This class is really just a wrapper around GetVer.getVersion().
Grab and drag lines parallel to a coordinate axis.
Provides a view and operations on a set of contiguous data granules as if they were a single granule.
An abstract base class that manages a vertical probe To create a probe call doMakeProbe To be notified of changes override: void probePositionChanged (double x, double y);
Container for everything needed to maintain state and draw a satellite "ground station".
Executor built atop SwingUtilities.
"Base" class that represents several different types of header files.
A JTabbedPane implementation that allows tabbed heavy-weight components.
Class for controlling the display of images.
All date editors that should be used by a JDateChooser have to implement this interface.
Chooser that allows users to select images from a remote ADDE server.
ImagePlanViewControl with some McIDAS-V specific extensions.
Provides support for a Displayable that needs a map to (Display.Red,Display.Green,Display.Blue)
Class used to import from a remote "MCTABLE.TXT" file.
This class represents a Command that injects a standard Java variable into the local namespace of an Interpreter.
Display a simple rotating cube.
JCalendar is a bean for entering a date by choosing the year, month and day.
This class is just a JTextFieldDateEditor that allows the user to enter either the day within (current) year or a McIDAS-X style "julian day" (YYYYDDD or YYDDD), in addition to the formatting allowed by JTextFieldDateEditor.
This class is just a backport of the IDV's old DateTimePicker.
A date chooser containing a date editor and a button, that makes a JCalendar visible for choosing a date.
JDayChooser is a bean for choosing a day.
JMonthChooser is a bean for choosing a month.
Extend JPanel to draw an optionally anti-aliased image filling the panel.
Utility class to support Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) functionality.
JSpinField is a numeric field with 2 spin buttons to increase or decrease the value.
JTextFieldDateEditor is the default editor used by JDateChooser.
JYearChooser is a bean for choosing a year.
A bare-bones text editor that can do relatively robust syntax highlighting of Jython code.
Overrides the IDV's JythonManager to associate a JythonShell with a given JythonManager.
Wraps the application's IdvObjectStore object and provides methods that are safe to use from Jython scripts.
A chooser for Level II NEXRAD data.
Selectors are objects that allow users to select a given wavenumber/band by simply dragging within the GUI.
This class is a type of Command that represents a line of Jython.
This class is a type of Command that represents a request to use Jython to run a file containing Jython statements.
The various kinds of local ADDE data understood by McIDAS-V, along with some helpful metadata.
A builder of (mostly) immutable LocalAddeEntry instances.
A dialog that allows the user to define or modify LocalAddeEntries.
Dave's nice combobox tooltip renderer!
Representation of a choice allowing the user to select the global McIDAS-V logging level.
Convert radiance to/from brightness temperature via provided Lookup Tables
Utility class for toString() methods.
This creates and manages the set of choosers.
A class to provide color tables suitable for data displays.
A class to manage Hydra color tables
Holds a set of definitions concerning McIDAS data.
Class to hold McIDAS-X frame data sets.
A DisplayControl for handling McIDAS-X image sequences
An extension of IdvPreferenceManager that uses a JList instead of tabs to lay out the various PreferenceManagers.
Class used as the "gateway" to a running McIDAS-V session.
Responsible for handling "idvresource" URLs.
An extension of LatLonProjection that adds properties for the center point and dimensions of the projection box.
This provides http based access to a stack trace and enables the user to shut down McIDAS-V.
This class has largely been copied over wholesale from the IDV code.
McIDAS-V mostly extends this class to preempt the IDV.
Used to cache a data choice and its data.
Class McIdasXInfo Holds the state of the McIDAS-X session on the other end of the bridge
Extends the IDV component groups so that we can intercept clicks for Bruce's tab popup menu and handle drag and drop.
McIDAS-V needs its own ComponentHolder merely to associate ViewManagers with their parent ComponentHolders.
The McvDataManager exists purely as a UI nicety.
McIDAS-V's collection of GUI utility methods
Use this class to create a panel with a background image
Represents a dialog that holds "help tips".
McIDAS-V extension to the IDV's PluginManager.
This is a straight up copy of IdvSplash with the easter egg taken out.
Extend JTextField to add niceties such as uppercase, length limits, and allow/deny character sets
Renders a toolbar action and its icon within the TwoListPanel's JLists.
SpaceIcon is a class that represents a "space" entry in the TwoListPanel that holds the current toolbar actions.
A class that provides scrolling capabilities to a long menu dropdown or popup menu.
A data source for Multi Dimension Data
A data source for Multi Dimension Data
RubberBandBoxRendererJ3D is the VisAD class for direct manipulation of rubber band boxes
This class allows users to select a directory via the GUI.
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a file under watch is changed.
Options can be either platform-specific or applicable to all platforms.
The different types of Options.
Different ways that an Option might be displayed.
An object to handle a saved parameter set.
Class ParameterTree Gives a tree gui for editing parameter sets
This is a better version of LineBorder which allows you to show line only at one side or several sides and supports rounded corner.
This has been essentially ripped out of the (wonderful) GNU Classpath project.
This class is used to save and restore the recent color choices..
This is the layout manager for the main panel.
This is the main swatch panel.
This is the layout manager for the recent swatch panel.
This class is the recent swatch panel.
This the base class for all swatch panels.
McIDAS-V has 99 problems, and bundles are several of 'em.
Represents platform specific details used by McIDAS-V.
Polar Orbit Track Chooser Allows user to load TLE files for display in McIDAS-V via three methods: Remote: ADDE or URL Local: file
DisplayControlImpl with some McIDAS-V specific extensions.
Class for Two-Line-Element data sources, to plot orbit tracks on McIDAS-V display window.
A class for choosing files that can be polled.
This class captures a change to a probe and stores both the previous and current (as of the event's creation) changed values.
The listener interface for receiving ReadoutProbe events.
Rather trivial extension to the IDV's ProfilerTimeHeightControl.
A chooser class for selecting Raob data.
ReadoutProbe is a probe that combines a "pickable" probe widget with an adjacent text "readout" of the data value at the probe's current location.
This class is a reimplementation of PointProbe that whose mouse movement is limited to the x- and y- axes.
Something of a hack... this approach allows us to build a RemoteAddeEntry in a readable way, despite there being multiple final fields.
Simple dialog that allows the user to define or modify RemoteAddeEntries.
Possible entry verification states.
Associates a RemoteAddeEntry with one of the states from RemoteEntryEditor.AddeStatus.
McIDAS-V's resource manager.
This class represents a specialized Thread that creates and executes Commands.
Holds the state of server components from servers.xml.
ServerInfo objects have methods for accessing the contents of servers.xml.
Interface definition for services.
A simple class which can monitor files and notify interested parties (i.e. listeners) of file changes.
A browser for finding netCDF upper air files.
Manages the McIDAS-V startup options in a context that is completely free from the traditional IDV/McIDAS-V overhead.
This is a Logback "triggering policy" that forces a log "roll" upon starting McIDAS-V.
This class is used to initialize McIDAS-V.
Used to obtain various commonly used statistics for VisAD FlatFields.
Various types of statistics reported by the Statistics.describe(Object...) "function".
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Class DataGrid _more_
Class IRData _more_
Class RingData _more_
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Abstraction of a background thread that is used to submit support requests to the McIDAS-V Help Desk Team.
Calcule la position du soleil relativement à la position de l'observateur.
A data source for NPOESS Preparatory Project (Suomi NPP) data and JPSS data (JPSS-1 is officially NOAA-20).
An extension of JFileChooser, particular to Suomi NPP data.
File filter to pass names which match format for Suomi NPP data.
This class handles all the GUI elements of a McIDAS-V support request.
A utility class to execute a Callable synchronously on the JavaFX event thread.
Utility methods for querying the state of the user's machine.
This class is the GUI frontend to EntryStore (the server manager).
These are the various "events" that the server manager GUI supports.
This Logback "rolling policy" copies the contents of a log file (in this case, mcidasv.log) to the specified destination, and then "zeroes out" the original log file.
A very simple chooser that allows for convenient access of remote model data.
This class is responsible for the "Remote Level II Radar" chooser in McIDAS-V.
TIFF header
TIFF directory record.
An extension of JFileChooser to handle Two-Line Element (TLE) files, for plotting satellite orbit tracks.
This class shows a tree on the left and a card panel on the right.
TreeNode extensions that allows us to associate an icon with this node.
Derive our own UI manager to do some specific things: Removing displays Showing the dashboard Adding toolbar customization options Implement the McIDAS-V toolbar as a JToolbar. Deal with bundles without component groups.
Represents what McIDAS-V "knows" about IDV actions.
A type of HttpFormEntry that supports line wrapping for text area entries.
Represents an individual IDV action.
Represents the set of known IdvActions in an idiom that can be easily used by both the IDV and McIDAS-V.
A ToolbarStyle is a representation of the way icons associated with current toolbar actions should be displayed.
Allows the user to select a url as a data source.
Logback "file appender" that uses some knowledge of McIDAS-V to infer a default path to mcidasv.log if the user has run McIDAS-V without setting the mcv.logpath property.
McIDAS-V needs to manage ViewManagers in a slightly different way than the IDV.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
A simple utility class for opening a web browser to a given link.
WelcomeWindow is really just intended to try to detect known hardware problems and inform the user about any problems.
This handles a variety of flavors of xml documents (e.g., thredds query capability, thredds catalogs, idv menus) to create data choosers from.
A collection of utilities for XML.
Documentation is still forthcoming, but remember that no methods accept null parameters!