All McIDAS-V Release Notes
The items below list the major changes included in all of the released versions of McIDAS-V.
For a current list of known bugs and requested enhancements, please see the Open Inquiries Report from the McIDAS-V Inquiry System. To view the items currently under development, see the list of Critical Bugs and Critical Development Items.
Use the links below to navigate to the release notes for a particular release:
- McIDAS-V 1.9
- McIDAS-V 1.8
- McIDAS-V 1.7u1
- McIDAS-V 1.7
- McIDAS-V 1.6
- McIDAS-V 1.5
- McIDAS-V 1.4
- McIDAS-V 1.3
- McIDAS-V 1.2
- McIDAS-V 1.01
- McIDAS-V 1.0
McIDAS-V 1.9
The items below reflect the changes since the 1.8 release.
Data Changes
Orbit Tracks Chooser
Local Servers
Remote Servers/Datasets
Added new imagery datasets for GOES-R series data. These servers/datasets are:
- DDSTALL – GOES East/West Debra Dust data rolling archive
- EAST – GOES East L1b imagery
- EASTALL – GOES East L1b imagery rolling archive
- GEOCALL – GOES East/West GeoColor data rolling archive
- GOESRALL – GOES-R imagery rolling archive
- GOESSALL – GOES-S imagery rolling archive
- GOESTALL – GOES-T imagery rolling archive
- L2GEALL – Goes East L2 imagery rolling archive
- L2GEAST – GOES East L2 imagery
- L2GOESR – GOES-R L2 imagery
- L2GOESS – GOES-S L2 imagery
- L2GWALL – GOES West L2 imagery rolling archive
- L2GWEST – GOES West L2 imagery
- NPGOESR – GOES-R L1b and L2 imagery
- NPGOESS – GOES-S L1b and L2 imagery
- NPGRALL – GOES-R L1b and L2 imagery rolling archive
- NPGSALL – GOES-S L1b and L2 imagery rolling archive
- NPGWALL – GOES West L1b and L2 imagery rolling archive
- RTDDST – GOES East/West Debra Dust data
- RTGEOC – GOES East/West GeoColor data
- RTGOESR – GOES-R L1b imagery
- RTGOESS – GOES-S L1b imagery
- RTGOEST – GOES-T L1b imagery
- RTSNCL – GOES East/West Cloud Snow data
- SNCALL – GOES East/West Cloud Snow data rolling archive
- WEST – GOES West L1b imagery
- WESTALL – GOES West L1b imagery rolling archive
Remote Archive Point Data
Added the ability to work with remote archive point data through the Point Observations>Plot/Contour chooser. Once the Point Type is selected, a window will appear prompting for a day to search for. This day can be changed in the Absolute Times tab of the chooser.
Absolute Times in Choosers
Added new functionality to the Absolute Times tab of the Radar>Level II> Remote, Radar>Level III, and Point Observations>Plot/Contour choosers to allow the user to specify a day, range of times, and number of times to list.
Gridded Aliases
Gridded NUCAPS
NWS Warnings
Layer Cycling Speed
MODIS and JPSS Dateline Improvements
MultiSpectral Display Probe Placement
New AWIPS Color Tables
New NOAA STAR Color Tables
Improved Relative Humidity Enhancement
Other Changes
Improved Layer Label Font Quality
Image and Movie Borders
RGB and Channel Combination Formulas
- ABI – Advanced Baseline Imager
- AHI – Advanced Himawari Imager
- AVHRR – Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
- CLAVRx – NOAA Clouds from AVHRR Extended
- MSG – Meteosat Second Generation (SEVIRI)
- MODIS – Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
- JPSS – Joint Polar Satellite System (VIIRS) – Under Development
These formulas will appear in the Field Selector tab of the Data Explorer when Formulas is selected. To evaluate the formulas, select the formula, the desired display type, and click Create Display. From here, an additional Field Selector window will appear where the user will manually select the bands/calibrations needed. Many of these formulas are also set up to be derived fields. This means that if a data source containing all of the required bands/calibrations is added, they will list in the Field Selector under an Imagery tree. Displaying the output of a formula through a derived field means that the manual band/calibration selection isn’t necessary. For more information, see Description of Formulas – Imagery.
Note that not all of the RGBs and channel combination functions are considered to be operational, and therefore the functions may change in the future.
MPEG-4 Movie Capture
Image and Movie Borders
Alphabetical Field Listing
Location Labels
Vertical Sum Formula
Vertical Min and Max Formulas
- New functionality with existing functions:
- Added a new keyword to captureImage(), verbose, which allows the user to silence the a line printed to the Jython Shell letting the user know the image is being written.
- Added the ability for listGridFieldsInFile() to work when the variables in the file don’t include long_name attributes.
- Added shorter server descriptions for ABI (ABIN), Sectorized CMI (SCMI), and Himawari (WARI) that can be specified in the format keyword of makeLocalADDEEntry().
- Added the ability to specify coordinateSystem= and size=’ALL’ in loadADDEImage(). This is necessary to get the full domain and resolution of each image of a LEO or floating GEO sector loop where the sector moves between timesteps.
Under Development
JPSS Chooser
- Added the ability to subset a region that crosses the dateline in the Region tab of the Field Selector. This allows users to display data that straddles the dateline at the native resolution of the data. Also, the user can now probe the data on either side of the dateline and see calibrated values output below the display.
- Data objects returned from loadJPSSImage now include timestamp information, which allows for the %timestamp% macro to work in the layer label, as well as allowing the time to appear in the Time Animation Widget.
- Imagery EDR (Environmental Data Record) files for all 5 I-bands and 16 M-bands are supported.
- A variety of RGB and channel combination formulas have been added to the Formulas panel of the Field Selector, with separate categories for SDR (Sensor Data Record) and EDR formulas. Extra processing is done for the SDR formulas to remove the bowtie deletion lines. All of these formulas are available as derived products as well.
- Added support for many JPSS VIIRS Products (Granule) available from NOAA CLASS.
- Fixed a bug where certain imagery SDR bands/calibrations would not display correctly in multi-banded files or data sources.
- The ability to access remote VIIRS (SDR and imagery EDR) datasets is available on all platforms.
- Local servers have been added for VIIRS data on macOS and Linux platforms. When adding local VIIRS datasets, there are individual formats for:
- VIIRS SDR Day/Night Band
With local datasets, the data and geolocation must be in separate files in the same directory, follow the standard NOAA CLASS naming convention, and use terrain-corrected geolocation.
GLM Chooser
Added a GLM (Geostationary Lightning Mapper) chooser to the list of Under Development choosers. This chooser is capable of loading GOES-R series GLM (Group, Event, Flash) data through remote ADDE. From the Increment option in the Data Sources tab, the user can specify the number of minutes of data to bin together into one timestep. This defaults to 5 minutes. To display the data, a gridded display or point data can be drawn.
McIDAS-V 1.8
The items below reflect the changes since the 1.7u1 release.
McIDAS-V User’s Guide
Updated the McIDAS-V User’s Guide to contain new features and more detailed content.
Local Servers
Updated local ADDE servers on Linux and OS X/macOS platforms. The name of the format for working with GOES-16 ABI data has changed from “GOES-16 ABI” to “GOES ABI” since this server will work with all ABI data (GOES-16 through -19).
International Radars
Added three international Radar sites to the Station dropdown of the Level II > Local chooser, which allows for the data to be plotted at the correct location. These locations are:
- Camp Humphreys, Korea (KSG)
- Kadena, Japan (ODN)
- Kunsan, Korea (KJK)
ABI Level 2 Enhancements and Defaults
Added new color table enhancements for Level 2 ABI products. Additionally, parameter aliases and defaults were added making these new enhancements the default when ABI Level 2 data is displayed through local or remote ADDE or through the local file chooser.
ProfileAlongTrack Display
Improved the Track subsetting tab when selecting which portion of the track to show. This includes making the selected portion of the track magenta and new tooltips explaining each of the controls.
Data Probe/Time Series Display
Restored the ability to create a Data Probe/Time Series display with only one timestep.
Isosurface Smoothing
Added the ability to smooth isosurface displays. This can be done with the Smoothing option in the Layer Controls of the display.
Theta Surface Displays
Added new derived fields and displays types for creating various displays over theta surfaces in 2D and 3D.
3D Volume Streamline Displays
Added three new 3D Flow displays for 3D Volume Streamline, 3D Volume Streamline Colored by Speed, and 3D Volume Streamline Colored by Another Parameter.
Set Day and Time Range Window
Renamed the “Set Archive Day” window when selecting an Image Type from an archive server to “Set Day and Time Range”. This window is also available through the Absolute times tab of the Satellite > Imagery chooser through the Set Day/Time Range button with archive and realtime servers. Previously, this window contained one field for a single date. Now, along with this field for a singe date, there are text entry fields for beginning and ending times. This allows for a more efficient listing of times by not listing all of the times in the dataset when only a specific time range (e.g. 2 – 5Z) may be needed. If a user does not enter a beginning or ending time, the default is the entire day (00:00:00Z – 23:59:59Z).
Added a variety of functionality related to scripting since the release of 1.7u1. Below is a list of significant changes:
- New functions:
- setMapLayerVisibility – Sets the visibility of the map layer in the Main Display.
- New functionality with existing functions:
- Added the ability for the user to specify which statistical parameters to return from the describe() function. By default, all parameters are returned
- Miscellaneous scripting-related changes:
- Modified the output of listADDEImages() and listADDEImageTimes() so the keys are returned in alphabetical order
Color Table Editor Transparency Readout
Added transparency readout to the color bar of the Color Table Editor when the cursor is moved over the color bar.
Improved Probing
Improved probing output for various files where probing would only work on certain parts of the data. This improvement can be noted in polar-orbiting netCDF data loaded through the local files chooser.
Grid Formulas
Added a variety of gridded formulas provided by Brian Mapes. The formulas perform a variety of data analysis including computing the deviation from time average at each grid point and produce a vertical derivative of 3D gridded fields. Documentation of these formulas can be found on the Description of Formulas – Grids page. The new formulas provided by Brian Mapes are denoted by an asterisk (*) next to the formula’s names.
GOES 16/17 ABI True Color RGB Formula
Added a formula to create true color RGB imagery from GOES 16/17 ABI data. This formula creates a simulated green band to make the RGB possible.
JPSS Chooser
Improved the ordering of fields in the Field Selector tab of the Data Explorer when working with a multi-banded SVM granule from NOAA CLASS. All of the field names are now listed in numerical order based on band number with quality flags grouped with the physical values (i.e. radiance, reflectance, brightness temperature) for each band. The output of the listVIIRSFieldsInFile() function is now returned in order of band number as well, with the calibrated values and quality flags listing together for each band.
Changed the name of the listVIIRSTimesInField() function to listVIIRSTimeInFile(). The date/time format returned from this function now matches what is seen in the layer label of a displayed VIIRS layer as well as what is in the Time Animation Widget of the Main Display window.
Added the ability to display CrIS SCRIF full spectral Science SDR data.
Satellite Orbit Track Chooser
Implemented several bug fixes to improve performance of the chooser. When loading data via ADDE, now only the selected satellite will be listed in the Field Selector instead of all of the satellites in the dataset. A new default projection has been added for the Satellite Orbit Track display type that reduces horizontal lines across the display. Label interval along the track line can now be set as low as 1 minute.
McIDAS-V 1.7u1
The item below reflects the changes since the 1.7 release.
Bug Fix
Windows Startup Problem
Fixed a bug on Windows platforms that caused a Null Pointer Exception at startup and the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer to not show any choosers.
If the last file loaded through a local data chooser is from a drive that is no longer accessible from the machine (e.g., an ejected flash drive), then the error will occur. The error can occur in any of the local choosers, including:
- Satellite > HYDRA
- Radar > Level II > Local
- Gridded Data > Local
- General > Files/Directories
McIDAS-V 1.7
The items below reflect the changes since the 1.6 release.
McIDAS-V User’s Guide
Updated the McIDAS-V User’s Guide to contain new features and more detailed content.
Image Chooser Speedup
Improved the speed of the Satellite>Imagery chooser when using a dataset of geostationary data. The speed increase will be most noticeable with large datasets, as now only one ADDE call is made to generate the preview image. This improvement will be seen in the Field Selector tab of the Data Explorer. Once the band and calibration have been selected, the subset tabs (Times, Region, and Advanced) tabs will appear quicker than in previous versions of McIDAS-V.
GOES 16 ABI Remote Server
Added a new remote ADDE server to the Satellite>Imagery chooser that contains realtime remote GOES 16 level 1b data and level 2 products. There are three different datasets on this server for GOES 16 data: EAST, NPGOESR, and RTGOESR. This server is maintained by Unidata.
Local Servers
Updated local ADDE servers on Linux and OS X platforms. In conjunction with this, navigation improvements have been made to GOES 16 ABI and Himawari data loaded via ADDE. For specific information about the local ADDE servers, see Local ADDE Data Manager.
GLM Plugin
Added a new plugin to the Plugin Manager under Data Sources>GLM NetCDF Files. After this plugin is installed, local GLM netCDF files can be loaded through the General>Files/Directories chooser with the three new data types designed plot event data (GLM Events Data files), flash data (GLM Flashes Data files), and group data (GLM Groups Data files). To plot flash data, select the data file (or multiple data files can be selected at once to create a loop), choose the GLM Flashes Data files Data Type, and click Add Source. Note that the files must be mission-standard format and follow the GRB naming convention, and thus look similar to Once in the Field Selector, it is suggested to adjust the time binning settings of the data source. Each point in the data is its own time, and time binning allows for creating a loop where multiple points are plotted at the same time step. For example, Bin Size and Round To can be set to ‘5 minutes’ to create a loop with time intervals of 5 minutes. This data can be plotted using the Point Data Plot display type. Note that new GLM layout models have been added for event, flash, and group data.
ncdump Output of HYDRA Data Sources
Added the ability to view the ncdump output of a HYDRA data source. Once the data source has been added to the Field Selector, right-click on the data source and choose Properties. In the Properties window, there is a new Metadata tab that includes the ncdump output.
Grid Trajectory Controls
Expanded the Grid Trajectory Controls to add the ability to set the trajectory initial area as well as the trajectory form (e.g. Ribbon, Line, Cylinder). A new trajectory form, Points, was also added.
ProfileAlongTrack Display
Improved the controls to display lidar (CALIPSO, CloudSat, and HSRL2) data by making subsetting (geographic and resolution) easier. The ability to plot HSRL2 lidar was added for this release. For more information, see ProfileAlongTrack Controls.
Spanish Characters for High and Low Symbols
Added the ability to change the ‘H’ and ‘L’ shapes (High and Low) from the Drawing Controls to ‘A’ and ‘B’ for the Spanish words ‘Alto’ (high) and ‘Bajo’ (low).
Default McIDAS-V Logo
Added a default McIDAS-V logo to the Display Window Preferences tab of the User Preferences. By default, this logo is positioned at the bottom left corner of each display panel.
Relative Times Tab Update
Updated the Relative Times tab in the Satellite>Imagery, Radar Level II>Remote, Radar>Level III, and Point Observations>Plot/Contour choosers to have a text entry box for the user to enter the number of relative times to load. In the past, users were limited to selecting a maximum of 100 relative times, but this limit has been removed.
Absolute Times Tab Update
Updated the Absolute Times tab in the Satellite>Imagery chooser to have a text entry box for the user to enter the number of absolute times to list in the chooser. In the past, the default was to list the last 100 times, and the only alternative was to list all of the times in the dataset. Now, a user can enter any integer value greater than zero and click the List Images button. As an alternative to a numerical value, entering “ALL” will return all of the times in the dataset.
Local mcidasv.rbi File Added
Added a mcidasv.rbi file to the user’s McIDAS-V directory. This RBI (Resource Bundle for the IDV) file allows for defining the location of different resources used by McIDAS-V. These different resources include color tables, formulas, help tips, etc.. Users can modify this mcidasv.rbi file to customize their sessions to only use specific resources. For example, a user can create a mcidasv.rbi file in a way that the resource used for color tables is only pulled from a sitepath directory (specified by the sitepath argument at startup) and not use the native color tables included with McIDAS-V. This mcidasv.rbi file also allows for user configuration of resources that can’t be altered through the user interface, such as help tips. A user can create their own helptips.xml file and point to it in mcidasv.rbi, allowing for McIDAS-V to read and display their own custom help tips. For more information on this, see Site Configuration.
Java, Java 3D, JOGL, and NetCDF Versions
Updated Java from version 1.8.0_45 to 1.8.0_112
Updated Java 3D from version 1.6.0-pre11 to 1.6.0-pre12.
Updated JOGL from version 2.2.3 to 2.3.2.
Updated NetCDF from version 4.6.5 to 4.6.11
Added a variety of functionality related to scripting since the release of 1.6. Below is a list of significant changes:
- New functions:
- Added a new function called setLegendLabel() that sets the Legend Label (the blue text) of the layer in the Legend of the Main Display window.
- Added a new function called setExtraLegendLabel() that sets the Extra Legend Label (the text below the Legend Label) of the layer in the Legend of the Main Display window.
- Added a new function called findUnits() that returns the units associated with a data object.
- Added new functions called getDisplayUnit() and setDisplayUnit() to return and set the unit of a displayed layer.
- New functionality with existing functions:
- Added a new keyword to annotate() called bgColor, which adds a background color to annotated text. The default is for the text to not have a background.
- Added new keywords to writeMovie() that allow for defining the number of frames to show per second (framesPerSecond) and how long to show the last frame in the animated GIF (endFramePause).
- Added a new keyword to captureImage() called index that allows for specifying which frame (index) to capture when multiple frames are displayed in a loop.
- Miscellaneous scripting-related changes:
- Added a new keyboard shortcut to open the Jython Shell: Ctrl+J
- Added a new keyboard shortcut to open the Jython Library: Alt+J
Great Lakes Location Labels
Added location labels for the Great Lakes that can be added to the display from the Display>Plot Location Labels>US>Great Lakes menu item.
Range Ring Linking
Added the ability to link the Color and Line Width settings in the Range Ring controls between the Range Rings, Radials, and Labels. This makes it easy to set all of the components of the range rings to be the same color and width.
JPSS Chooser
Changed the name of this chooser from “Imagery – Suomi NPP” to “Imagery – JPSS”.
Added a button to change the listing of fields in the Field Selector between variable names and the long_name attribute of each variable. This button is only available if the variable names and long_name attributes are different.
Added support for the VIIRS Cloud Mask EDR (Environmental Data Record) with the naming convention of VICMO, which was released in March 2017. The same EDR product with the previous naming convention of IICMO is supported as well.
Advanced Dvorak Technique Display
Added a new display type, Advanced Dvorak Technique (Under Development), that provides Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT) analysis results for local and remote ADDE satellite data. Note that this display type is considered to be under development. Current documentation can be found here:
McIDAS-V 1.6
The items below reflect the changes since the 1.5 release.
McIDAS-V User’s Guide
Updated the McIDAS-V User’s Guide to contain new features and more detailed content.
Flow Display Controls
Added new display types for Vector Colored by Speed, Vector Colored by Another Parameter, Wind Barb Colored by Speed, and Wind Barb Colored by Another Parameter. Additionally, if four or more timesteps are displayed, new features in the Layer Controls allow for changing the display to trajectories or curly vectors. If trajectories are chosen, then there are four options for how the trajectories are drawn. These options are Line, Cylinder, Ribbon, and Deform Ribbon. Curly vectors are the same as regular vectors, with the exception that they are multiple timesteps in length.
3D Flow Display Controls
Added new display types for 3D Volume Vector, 3D Volume Vector Colored by Speed, 3D Volume Vector Colored by Another Parameter, and 3D Volume Trajectory. For these display types, there is the option to switch between displaying vectors and trajectories. When trajectories is chosen, there are different options for setting how the trajectories are drawn in the display. These options are Line, Cylinder, Ribbon, and Deform Ribbon. By default, the trajectories will be drawn at every vertical level included with the data at the specified Z Skip which is defined in the Layer Controls. The Trajectory Start Level dropdown menu can be used to set trajectories to originate at a single vertical level instead of all levels at once. Four or more timesteps must be displayed in order to plot trajectories.
New Transect Tab and Window Types
Added new transect tab and window types that can be accessed in the Main Display window. The new types include:
- File>New Display Tab/Window>Transect Display>Three Panels
- File>New Display Tab/Window>Transect Display>Four Panels
- File>New Display Tab/Window>Misc>1 Map 2 Transects
- File>New Display Tab/Window>Misc>2 Maps 1 Transect
Automatic Depth Offsetting
Added a new setting that displays overlapping layers of differing resolutions in a way that there is no display interference when the display is rotated. This setting is enabled by default in the Display Window tab of the User Preferences. This setting can also be ontrolled on a display by display basis through the View>Properties menu in a panel.
Himawari Local Server
Added a new local server to work with Himawari HSD (Himawari Standard Data) formatted files (*.DAT). To create a local dataset using this server, from the ADDE Data Manager, click the Add New Dataset button and select the ‘Himawari 8’ Format. The file names must match the JMA HSD image file naming convention, HS_aaa_yyyymmdd_hhnn_Bbb_cccc_Rjj_Skkll.DAT, described in the Himawari Standard Data User’s Guide. This server is currently supported on Linux and OS X.
INSAT-3D Local Servers
Added new local servers to work with INSAT-3D Imager and Sounder files (*.h5). To create a local dataset using this server, from the ADDE Data Manager, click the Add New Dataset button and select the ‘INSAT-3D Imager’ or ‘INSAT-3D Sounder’ Format. These servers are currently supported on Linux and OS X.
GOES-16 ABI Local Servers
Added new local servers to work with Level 1b GOES-R ABI files in the netCDF-4 format. The names of these files should look similar to this: To create a local dataset using this server, from the ADDE Data Manager, click the Add New Dataset button and select the ‘GOES-16 ABI’ Format. These servers are currently supported on Linux and OS X.
Listing of Fields from a NetCDF Data Source
Added a new button to the top of the Fields panel of the Field Selector to toggle between the longname and shortname descriptions of each field in the data source. This is only an option if the fields populating the Fields panel are from a NetCDF-formatted data source.
Julian Date with Archive Servers
Added the ability to work with Julian dates with archive imagery servers. Once an Image Type is selected in a chooser, in the Set Archive Day window, Julian dates can be entered. For example:
- 001 – Day 1 of the current year
- 13255 – Day 255 of year 2013
- 2015150 – Day 150 of year 2015
In the past, users were limited to entering dates such as ‘Jun 19, 2015’.
List All Images Button
Added a List All Images button to the Absolute times tab of the Satellite>Imagery chooser. By default, only up the 100 most recent images in the dataset will be listed to save time. Clicking this button requests the server to list all of the relevant times in the times panel. Dependent on the server and number of images in the dataset, this may take some time to complete.
Animated GIF Global Color Palette Option
Added a ‘Use ‘global’ GIF color palette‘ option when saving a movie. This option is applicable for animated GIF movies, and it is enabled by default. Animated GIFs are limited to 256 colors, and this option uses the same 256 colors for every frame in the loop when the setting is enabled. Enabling this option allows for certain display settings such as a color scale to remain constant throughout the loop. If this option is disabled, then each frame uses it’s own color palette, so one color may represent one value in one frame, and the same color may represent a different value in the next frame. One circumstance where disabling this option may be ideal is if the movie starts with a low-light scene (not many colors) and there is no color scale in the display.
Added a variety of functionality related to scripting since the release of 1.5. Below is a list of significant changes:
- New functions:
- Added a new function called setMapVisibilityByDescription() that allows for showing or hiding individual maps from the display.
- Added a new function called findWindow() that returns a reference to the display window containing a buildWindow() panel. This allows for performing operations on a window such as adding new tabs or closing the window.
- Added new functions to modify displays of point data, which are outlined in the ‘Modify the Layer Object – Point’ page.
- Added a new function called getData() which returns a data object from a displayed layer. This data object can then be passed through formulas.
- Added new lister functions for Suomi NPP VIIRS data (described below in the Under Development section).
- Added a new function called describe() which returns a variety of statistical parameters about an imagery or gridded data object. These statistical parameters include a histogram, length, min, max, range, Q1, Q2, Q3, IQR, mean, mode, kurtosis, skewness, standard deviation, and variance.
- Added a new function called sparkline() which returns a histogram of data values from an imagery or gridded data object.
- Added a new function called importEnhancement() which allows for importing local enhancement files for use in scripts and the user interface.
- Added a new function called sandwich() which is defined in the Sandwich Product library in the Jython Libraries. This function creates a sandwich RGB display using infrared and visible data, as well as user-defined minimum and maximum infrared values, a color enhancement, and the ability to specify if missing values should be plotted in the display.
- New functionality with existing functions:
- Added new information to the metadata of the data object returned from loadGrid. This new metadata is in the form of three new keys: globalAttributes, metadataVariables, and variableAttributes. Information on accessing these keys and their values can be found on the ‘Create an Object – Grids’ page.
- Added a new keyword to the captureImage() and writeMovie() functions called createDirectories. This createDirectories key, if set to True, allows for the creation of the directory path specified in the command if it does not already exist.
- Added new fontSize and fontFace keywords to the Colorbar formatting option of captureImage.
- Added a new keyword to buildWindow called widgets. This keyword, if set to false, builds a display window without any toolbar buttons and only the display panel.
- Miscellaneous scripting-related changes:
- For remote datasets requiring accounting that are already defined in the ADDE Data Manager, there is no need to specify the accounting keyword in the imagery-related functions. This includes loadADDEImage, listADDEImages, and listADDEImageTimes. A benefit of this change is that users can share scripts without including any accounting information.
- Added syntax highlighting to the Jython libraries window. Also added keyboard shortcuts to assist with searching for text in the currently open library.
- Added syntax highlighting to the Jython Shell window when multi-line input is being used.
- Print statements are no longer required in the Jython Shell when a single line of code is being evaluated. Below are a couple of examples:
- Command: 2+6
- Output: 8
- Command: layer.getEnhancementTable()
- Output: Inverse Gray shade
Updates to Installation GUI
Updated the installation GUI. The first update is that the GUI now prompts the user if McIDAS-V should be installed into the same directory that McIDAS-V was last installed into (overwriting any previous version), or if it should be installed into a different directory. If the option of installing into the existing installation directory is selected, then the installation GUI will skip the step where the installation directory is selected. If the user selects to install into a different directory, there is a new feature that allows for the creation of a new directory within the installer. There were also updates to allow for installing into and running from directory paths that include spaces.
Support for AWIPS II cmap Colormaps
Added support for AWIPS II *.cmap colormaps (enhancements). These files can be imported through the Color Table Editor.
Suomi NPP Chooser
Added support for subsetting EDR and SDR granule aggregations containing missing scanlines. Added initial support for NASA VIIRS L1b formatted files. Also added a couple new functions to list information about VIIRS files:
- listVIIRSFieldsInFile(filename) – Returns a list of the fields included with the file passed through the function. These field names can then be passed through the loadVIIRSImage() function to create a data object that can then be displayed.
- listVIIRSTimesInField(filename, field) – Returns the beginning date and time of the file passed through the function.
McIDAS-V 1.5
The items below reflect the changes since the 1.4 release.
Vertical Scale Labeling
Added the ability to customize the vertical scale labeling around the wireframe box in the Main Display window. This feature is available in the Vertical Scale tab of the Properties window for the display panel, as well as from the ‘Set the vertical range’ button in the Main Display. The new features include adding the ability to set the axis label, the increment of the labels, minor division tick marks, as well as setting the font. Note that this vertical scale will be visible only if the Show Display Scales option is turned on in the display panel.
Adjust Contour Label Interval
Added the ability to set an interval for how many contour lines are labeled. In the Contour Properties Editor window, there is a new Label Every Nth Line item that allows you to set a contour line labeling interval. By default this is set to a value of 2, which means that every other contour line will be labeled. Decrease this value to increase the number of contours with labels, and increase this number to decrease the number of contours with labels.
Improved MODIS and NPP Granule Subsetting
Added the ability for users to subset entire granules of MODIS and Suomi NPP data. In previous McIDAS-V versions, there were limitations to how close a subset box could be made to the edge of the data. This subsetting occurs in the Region tab of the Field Selector using Shift+click+drag over the data before creating the display.
Improved Probe Output
Improved probe output for Level III Hydrometeor Classification products and the Suomi NPP Quality Flag fields. For Level III Radar data once a Hydrometeor Classification product is added, an Image Display of the ‘Hydro class’ field now creates a display with actual text output. Examples of this text output are ‘Dry Snow’, ‘Light-Moderate Rain’ and ‘Biological’. For Suomi NPP Quality Flags listed in the Field Selector, an Image Display will also provide text output. An example of this output for a ‘Fire’ QF field would be ‘True’ or ‘False’. An example of this output for a ‘Cloud Phase’ QF field would be ‘Clear’, ‘Water’, or ‘Ice’.
GEMPAK Upper Air Data
Added support for GEMPAK Upper Air files (*.gem) through the Point Observations -> Soundings -> Local chooser.
AMSR-E Local Servers
Added local servers for AMSR-E L2a and the AMSR-E Rain Product. These server formats are available in the Local ADDE Data Manager and can also be accessed through scripting.
Time Matching
Added a new feature called Time Matching that is designed to create loops that accommodate data with differing temporal frequencies. An example where time matching would be useful is if a user wants to create a loop of satellite data overlaid with radar data but they have different frequencies (e.g., the satellite data comes in twice an hour while the radar data comes in eight times an hour). In the past, a user would have to use the Absolute Times tab of the radar data and individually select the times closest to those of the satellite data. With time matching, this is no longer necessary. Now, a user can set one layer to be the time driver, and other layers can then be selected to match the time driver times.
Match Display Region
Added a new Match Display Region option to the dropdown menu in the Region tab of the Field Selector. When this option is used, the data being displayed will automatically be spatially subsetted to match the geographical domain of the active panel in the Main Display. This helps create efficient displays of data by not displaying more data than necessary. This Match Display Region mode can be used with the Gridded Data and Point Observations choosers.
An example use case of this feature is if a user is working with global gridded data, but is only interested in displaying data over the United States. First, the user would change their display to over the United States, and then choose the Match Display Region mode in the Region tab of the Field Selector when creating the display. In doing this, only data over the United States would be displayed.
Changed the name of getADDEImage to loadADDEImage. The name change was made for consistency with other functions in both naming as well as what is returned from the function. In the past, getADDEImage returned two objects: metadata, and one object containing both data and metadata. Now, loadADDEImage only returns the one object containing both the data and metadata. Users can call the single object returned from loadADDEImage in the same way the metadata object from getADDEImage was returned in the past. Scripts using getADDEImage will continue to work, though we recommend transitioning to loadADDEImage as this is the documented function, and any new functionalities will be added to loadADDEImage, not getADDEImage.
Added new functions for working with gridded data, including netCDF, hdf, and grib formats. This function is called loadGrid. There are also a variety of new lister functions to give users information about the file loaded in via loadGrid, including loadGridFieldsInFile, loadGridLevelsInField, and loadGridTimesInField.
Added additional features to captureImage. This includes a new bgtransparent keyword to set the background of the image transparent, as well as a variety of new formatting options for the output image. These formatting options include adding a matte, colorbar, image overlay and text overlay to the output image. New output formats are also now supported, including *.pdf, *.ps, *.svg, *.kml, and *.kmz.
Added a new transparency keyword to setEnhancement. This allows for setting a transparency value across an entire enhancement.
Java and Java 3D Versions
Updated Java version from 1.6.0_31 to 1.7.0_60. Updated Java 3D version from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0.
Sample Bundles
Added a variety of sample bundles to the Main Toolbar of McIDAS-V, under a button labeled Current WX. These sample bundles are referred to as system bundles. Clicking on Current WX opens a dropdown with a variety of bundles that display real-time weather from data sources including grids, satellite, and point data. These bundles are designed to give an easy starting point for those new to McIDAS-V to create displays. These bundles can be removed through either the Local Favorite Bundles Manager or the General tab of the User Preferences window. For more information on these bundles, see the Main Toolbar page of the User’s Guide.
In addition to these bundles, there are a variety of zipped bundles (bundles that include data) that can be added through the Plugin Manager. Under the Sample Bundles tree in the Plugin Manager, there are five separate plugins for bundles that demonstrate many of the same features as the real-time Current WX bundles. Once these plugins are added and McIDAS-V is restarted, a toolbar button called Archive WX will be added to the Main Toolbar. This button behaves similarly to the Current WX button, where clicking Archive WX opens a dropdown containing any of the sample bundle plugins that were added. Once these bundles are added, they can only be removed through the Plugin Manager.
Adaptive Resolution
By default, adaptive resolution is disabled. In order to use adaptive resolution, it must be enabled through the Display Window tab of the User Preferences. Adaptive resolution is still under development so there may be bugs and there could implementation changes in the future. For this release, adaptive resolution is available in the Gridded Data, Point Observations, General Files/Directories, and the Under Development > Imagery – Satellite choosers.
Adaptive resolution is a feature designed to load high resolution data efficiently by obtaining and loading only the minimum amount of data needed to display all of the observable features in the given display size and geographic domain. If the domain is subsequently changed by using either Shift+left-click+drag or the Projections menu, adaptive resolution automatically reloads the data at a higher resolution (if available) if the user zoomed in to a more detailed view, or reloads the data at a lower resolution if the user zoomed out to a wider view.
Suomi NPP Chooser
Improved granule subsetting to aid in subsetting an entire granule.
Added support for ATMS (Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder) SDR data, including ATMS SDR and ATMS Remapped to CrIS SDR data. To display the Brightness Temperature field of this data, use the MultiSpectral display type, where the channel used for the display can be set through the Layer Controls. Also, additional fields will be visible including height, latitude, longitude, and different satellite angles which can be viewed with the standard Image Display. Also added support for Terrain Corrected Day Night Band data.
Added display units for many fields. For example, SVM16 Brightness Temperature now displays with units of degrees K instead of null. This is seen when the display is probed. Along with this, adding display units gives the ability to change the display unit used in the display through the Layer Controls.
Added the ability to aggregate different single-banded granules into one data source when the bands use the same geolocation and timesteps. For example, this allows users to use Shift+click to select single banded SVM03, SVM04, and SVM05 granules and click Add Source. This merges all of the SVM03, 04, and 05 data into one data source. This change applies to VIIRS SDR (SVI and SVM) as well as EDR granules. Note that SDR and EDR granules can not be merged into one data source even if they use the same geolocation granule.
Updated the VIIRS RGB formula from the Miscellaneous > VIIRS Formulas plugin to be able to handle single-banded granules. In previous versions of McIDAS-V, this formula would only work with multi-banded granules, where the Red, Green, and Blue components came from the same file. In addition, to get a full resolution display, a user now only has to subset a region for the Red component, and this will be carried over to Green and Blue. The VIIRS RGB formula can also now handle band subtractions for a color.
This is currently located in the Under Development list of choosers in the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer and is available for user feedback through the McIDAS-V Support Forums. As the IDPS (Interface Data Processing Segment) begins to distribute new types of NPP data, we test it in McIDAS-V and make any necessary changes to be able to get the data to display.
Satellite Orbit Track Chooser
Changed the name of the chooser from Polar Orbit Track chooser to the Satellite Orbit Track chooser. This change was made because tracks for other low earth orbit (LEO) satellites (such as TRMM) can be plotted, as well as geostationary satellites.
Added a valid timestamp macro that prints out the beginning and ending dates and times of the track plotted in the Main Display window. Also modified the Layer Controls tab of the Data Explorer to enhance functionality. This includes additional options to turn swath edge lines on/off, individually set font, style, and size of text for swath line times and ground station lines, options for setting line style of the track, swath edge, and ground station rings, the ability to plot multiple ground stations at once, and also the ability to specify your own ground station via lat/lon values.
This is currently located in the Under Development list of choosers in the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer and is available for user feedback through the McIDAS-V Support Forums.
Wind Profiler Chooser
The NOAA Wind Profiler Network (NPN) Data Stream ended on August, 2014. With the stations no longer receiving data, the Point Observations > Wind Profiler chooser has been removed from the list of default choosers in the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer. If access to this chooser is necessary, it can be added through the Plugin Manager window, under Data Sources > Wind Profiler Chooser. Once this chooser is added and McIDAS-V is restarted, the Wind Profiler chooser will again be available in the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer. For more information on the discontinued wind profiler data, see the NOAA Profiler Network webpage.
McIDAS-X Bridge Chooser
The McIDAS-X Bridge Chooser has been fully deprecated from McIDAS-V. The chooser is no longer listed as a default chooser, and it is not available as a plugin.
McIDAS-V 1.4
The items below reflect the changes since the 1.3 release.
Add Unit to Color Scale in Display
Added the ability to add a unit to the color scale in the Main Display. A color scale can be added to the display through the Color Scale tab of the Properties window for the layer. In this tab, there is now a Visible checkbox that, when selected, will display the unit of your data on the color scale in the display.
Wavelength Readout for the MultiSpectral Display
Added a readout of wavelength when displaying multispectral data using the MultiSpectral display type. This wavelength readout will be at the bottom of the Layer Controls tab alongside the Band dropdown menu. This helps to make this display type more user-friendly.
Continued to add to the suite of fully supported Jython scripting tools introduced in McIDAS-V 1.2. The functions and methods in this suite can be used to load and display data, manipulate the display, and save the images. This allows the user to automatically process data and generate displays for web pages and other environments. This scripting can be done from the Jython shell within McIDAS-V, or from a Jython script that can be invoked as a command line argument. Please see Scripting for the list of supported functions, an example script, and links to various Java docs.
Since the release of McIDAS-V 1.3, there are new functions designed to work with ADDE data. These functions are:
makeLocalADDEEntry – Creates a local ADDE entry in the server table.
getLocalADDEEntry – Gets the descriptor for a local ADDE Entry.
listADDEImages – Lists data from an ADDE image server.
listADDEImageTimes – Lists available dates and times of data from an image server.
There is also a new version of getADDEImage that gives different output than the previous version.
Change to Save Data Window when Saving a Zipped Bundle
Changed the Save Data window when saving a zipped bundle to make it easier to determine what data will get saved with your bundle. This is now done through radio buttons.
Format of RGB Composite Layer Controls
Reformatted the Layer Controls for the RGB Composite display. There is now an Apply button that will apply any changes to the red, green or blue minimum, maximum, or gamma values directly to the display without having to press Enter. There is also now an Apply to All Gamma Fields button that will apply a common gamma value to all colors.
Logging Level
Added the ability to set logging level in the Advanced tab of the User Preferences window. The logging level you select will determine how much information gets written out to your mcidasv.log file in your McIDAS-V directory. For more information about each of the logging levels and what they entail, please see the Log Level section of the Advanced Preferences page.
Formula Editor
Reworked the Formula Editor to make it more intuitive to users. The Description field has moved out of the Advanced section of the Formula Editor, and into the top main section. The value in the Description field will be what is written out in the Field Selector as the name of the formula. The Name field of the Formula Editor has changed its name to ID, and is used when setting Parameter Defaults.
Suomi NPP Chooser
Added the ability to work with Suomi NPP data from NOAA CLASS that includes the data and geolocation within the same file. Non-consecutive granules can now be displayed, and granules can now be aggregated regardless of granule size. VIIRS SVI data from CLASS can now be displayed. Saving of both zipped and unzipped bundles containing NPP data is now supported.
There has been added functionality for working with VIIRS Cloud Mask products. If a GMODO-IICMO* product is loaded, there are various quality flag products included with the data. McIDAS-V now has the ability to determine which quality flag products are included with the data as well as what cloud mask fields can be produced from them. With cloud mask products, fields such as ‘Cloud Phase’, ‘Volcanic Ash’, ‘Dust’ and ‘Fire’ can be displayed.
There has been added functionality for working with VIIRS EDR (Environmental Data Records) products. These products include fields such as cloud heights, pressures, and temperatures, sea surface temperatures, and snow cover.
This is currently located in the Under Development list of choosers in the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer and is available for user feedback through the McIDAS-V Support Forums. As the IDPS (Interface Data Processing Segment) begins to distribute new types of NPP data, we test it in McIDAS-V and make any necessary changes to be able to get the data to display.
McIDAS-V 1.3
The items below reflect the changes since the 1.2 release.
Latitude/Longitude Labeling
Added the ability to add latitude and longitude labels to the display in two ways. You can add them as a component of the wireframe box through the View->Show Display Scales menu item. These labels can be configured further through the View->Properties menu item using the new Horizontal Scale tab. This tab allows you to control label and tick mark intervals. You can also add latitude and longitude labels as a component of the map controls. This can be done in the Layer Controls tab of the Data Explorer for the Default Background Map. Here, there is a Lat/Lon tab, which gives you the ability to display and configure latitude and longitude labeling in the Main Display.
Contour Labeling Frequency
Added the ability to change contour labeling frequency for contour displays. This is a new option in the Contour Properties Editor, where a Frequency slider allows you to change the number of contour labels visible in the display.
Consecutive Profiles of Sounding Data
Added the ability to display consecutive profiles of sounding data. This works with both point observation data and model-derived sounding displays. Once you create your display, there is a new option in the Sounding Chart tab, called Consecutive Profiles. Choosing this option will display the sounding for the current time in your loop, as well as the sounding for the next time in your loop. The current sounding will display as dashed Temperature and Dewpoint Temperature profiles, and the next sounding in the time series will display as solid lines for the Temperature and Dewpoint Temperature profiles. This feature makes it easy to see how the vertical profile is expected to change in the future with model data, and will show how the sounding actually did change through time when working with point observation data.
Continued to add to the suite of fully supported Jython scripting tools introduced in McIDAS-V 1.2. The functions and methods in this suite can be used to load and display data, manipulate the display, and save the images. This allows the user to automatically process data and generate displays for web pages and other environments. This scripting can be done from the Jython shell within McIDAS-V, or from a Jython script that can be invoked as a command line argument. Please see Scripting for the list of supported functions, an example script, and links to various Java docs.
New Mask Formulas
Added two new mask formulas (Mask Function and Mask Within Range) to the list of native formulas in McIDAS-V. These formulas are intended to operate on imagery data, and are listed under the Imagery field of the formulas. The Mask Function formula allows you to easily display data that is above, below, or equal to a certain value. The Mask Within Range formula allows you to specify a specific range of data values to display.
New Grid Trajectory Formulas
Added two new trajectory formulas (Grid 2D Trajectory and Grid 3D Trajectory) to the list of native grid formulas in McIDAS-V. These formulas are used to create trajectories utilizing u- and v-wind components (and a vertical component for the 3D formula) as well as a scalar parameter to color the trajectories by. As an alternative to the formulas, you can also create trajectories using the new derived fields for ‘Grid 3D Trajectory’ and ‘Grid 2D Trajectory’. The trajectories will originate from your selected region (the Trajectory Initial Area), and be drawn out through the times of your data to where the u-, v- and vertical components take them.
Local ADDE Image Servers
Updated all local ADDE image servers, except for MODIS, to the versions included in McIDAS-X 2013.1. The most significant enhancements were updates to the Meteosat server (to include calibration updates, support Meteosat-10 data, and support MSG compressed and rapid scan data) and the NOAA/Metop AVHRR Level 1b server (to support Metop-B data and pre-KLM series NOAA POES data).
Latest netCDF-Java Version
A new version of the netCDF-Java library (4.3.16) is included in this release. This version of netCDF-Java includes major changes to the way GRIB 1 and 2 files are handled.
One major outcome of this change is that GRIB variable names will now be generated in a very general way. This means that bundles that were generated with a previous version of McIDAS-V might break. In order to aid users in the transition between netCDF-Java 4.2 and 4.3, the netCDF-Java library has provided a mapping of old variable names and new variable names for the datasets served on the Unidata THREDDS Data Server (TDS), and this mapping is being used ‘under the hood’ in McIDAS-V to minimize the impact of these changes on users.
For users reading GRIB files from other locations (local files or other remote servers), McIDAS-V now allows users to make custom variable name mappings. New variable mappings should be placed in the McIDAS-V/varrenamer.xml file. The structure of this file is quite simple:
new=”newNameHere” />
new=”anotherNewNameHere” />
Changes to the way GRIB files are served via the Unidata TDS server have also been made. The impact of this change is that the dataset URLs that point to GRIB resources will change, which will break bundles that point to the old Unidata TDS (
Again, in order to aid users in this transition, the netCDF-Java library has provided a mapping between the old and new dataset URL paths for all datasets served through the Unidata TDS. As with the variable name changes, the URL mapping for datasets on the Unidata TDS is being used ‘under the hood’ in McIDAS-V to minimize the impact on users.
The latest version of TDS (4.3), where URL related impacts will be seen, is now running on the main Unidata TDS ( Starting with version 1.3, McIDAS-V will redirect all requests to the old Unidata TDS ( to the new Unidata TDS ( automatically and update the appropriate data URLs.
As TDS servers in the community begin to upgrade to TDS 4.3, users will likely need to use custom URL mappings. New URL mappings should be placed in the McIDAS-V/urlmaps.xml file.
Again, the format of this file is quite simple:
new=”” />
new=”” />
In the first example, a new THREDDS server has replaced an old server – all requests going to will be directed to The second example is where the URL path to a particular dataset has changed, either because the product has been replaced (for example, the RUC to the RAP transition) or the maintainer of the TDS server has changed the way data are cataloged. Note in both cases the type of URL is an opendap URL. In the future, this mechanism will be used to redirect other types of data requests.
Suomi NPP Chooser
Added the ability to work with Suomi NPP data from NOAA CLASS that includes the data and geolocation within the same file. You can now display non-consecutive granules. You can also now aggregate granules together regardless of granule size. VIIRS SVI data from CLASS can now be displayed. Saving of both zipped and unzipped bundles containing NPP data is now supported.
There has been added functionality for working with VIIRS Cloud Mask products as well. If you load in a GMODO-IICMO* product, there are various quality flag products included with the data. McIDAS-V now has the ability to determine which quality flag products are included with the data as well as what cloud mask fields can be produced from them. Therefore, if you load in a GMODO-IICMO* file, you will see fields such as ‘Cloud Phase’, ‘Volcanic Ash’, ‘Dust’, ‘Fire’, etc.
This is currently located in the Under Development list of choosers in the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer and is available for user feedback through the McIDAS-V Support Forums. As the IDPS (Interface Data Processing Segment) begins to distribute new types of NPP data, we test it in McIDAS-V and make any necessary changes to be able to get the data to display.
Polar Orbit Track Chooser
Reworked the Polar Orbit Track chooser to enable easier access to local files. This is currently located in the Under Development list of choosers in the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer and is available for user feedback through the McIDAS-V Support Forums.
McIDAS-V 1.2
The items below reflect the changes since the 1.01 release.
Layer Visibility Animations
Added the ability to add a Layer Visibility Animations button to the Main Toolbar in McIDAS-V. This can be done through the Toolbar Options tab of the User Preferences window. This allows you to animate through layers of data that do not have times associated with them without having to go through the menus.
Hovmoller Display
Added the Hovmoller Display to the Displays panel of the Field Selector. Your display can be Time-Longitude or Time-Latitude, with either a color shaded or contour display. The display will be plotted in the Layer Controls tab of the Data Explorer, where you can change the color table, the time label format, and the order with respect to time of the display. This display can be used with both 2D and 3D model data, but not with 2D derived fields.
Add Logos
Added the ability to add logos to displays. This option can be found in the View->Properties menu item of the Main Display window. In the Main tab of the Properties dialog, there is a Logo panel. Here, you can select which image to add as the logo, select its location, and its size. You must also select the ‘Show Logo’ checkbox at the top of the tab for the logo to be visible. This will add a logo to the Main Display window. Certain types of displays are displayed in the Layer Controls tab of the Data Explorer. For these displays, an option to add a logo can be found in the item’s Properties window, accessed through the Edit->Properties menu item in the Layer Controls tab.
Wind Barbs
Changed the way that wind barbs are plotted when the wind is between 0 and 2.5kts. Previously, these winds were regarded as calm and denoted by an open circle. Now, they are plotted as a staff with no flags.
Multispectral GEOCAT Data
Added a new class to support multispectral GEOCAT data. This data can now be loaded in through the Satellite->HYDRA chooser.
Level 2 Calipso/CloudSat Data
Added support for Level 2 Calipso/CloudSat types of data. This data can now be loaded in though the Satellite->HYDRA chooser.
Added a first release of a suite of fully supported Jython scripting tools. The functions and methods in this suite can be used to load and display data, manipulate the display, and save the images. This allows the user to automatically process data and generate displays for web pages and other environments. This scripting can be done from the Jython shell within McIDAS-V, or from a Jython script that can be invoked as a command line argument. Please see Scripting for the list of supported functions, an example script, and links to various Java docs.
Compute Statistics Option for HYDRA Scatter Analysis Displays
Added a new feature to HYDRA Scatter Analysis displays to output statistical information pertinent to the data. After creating a Scatter Analysis display, a new button has been added to the Layer Controls tab of the Data Explorer, called ‘compute statistics’. When this button is clicked, a Scatter Statistics window will open, listing statistical information corresponding to the data on the X and Y axes of the scatter plot. There is statistical information for the display as a whole, and also for different areas you subset with the box/curve options. This information includes, but is not limited to: maximum, minimum, number of points, mean, median, variance, standard deviation, and correlation. This statistical data can be written out to a *.csv file by using the Save As CSV button.
Rotation Option
Added the ability to rotate displays clockwise and counterclockwise. You can do this by right clicking on the Auto-rotate icon in the Viewpoint Toolbar of the Main Display window. Here, you will see different rotation options.
Image Handling
Changed the way McIDAS-V handles images. In the past, all images used Red, Green, Blue, and alpha as RealTypes in the data and they would then map to RGB or RGBA. This meant that a change to the color map of one image would affect all others. Now, we are using unique RealTypes (xxx_N) for each image, where N is a unique number for each image.
SEVIRI RGB Satellite Formulas
Added new a new group of formulas has been added as a plugin to McIDAS-V. This group of formulas is titled SEVIRI RGB. These are RGB satellite formulas that are designed to work with satellite data from MSG’s SEVIRI instrument, but they will work with any satellite data as long as the necessary bands are included with the data. After adding your satellite data, select one of these formulas and click Create Display. This will open a Field Selector window with recommended bands to select. The data from these bands will be utilized by McIDAS-V to produce the final image.
Suomi NPP Chooser
Changed the name of the Imagery – NPP chooser to Imagery – Suomi NPP, for use with local data from Suomi NPP (National Polar-orbiting Partnership). This is currently located in the Under Development list of choosers in the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer and is available for user feedback through the McIDAS-V Support Forums. As the IDPS (Interface Data Processing Segment) begins to distribute new types of NPP data, we test it in McIDAS-V and make any necessary changes to be able to get the data to display. Since the last release, granules that include terrain-corrected geolocation now work. Also, time and date information will now be listed at the bottom of the Main Display window for displayed granules. When multiple granules are aggregated together, the time/date information for the first granule will be listed. Simulated GRAVITE data produced before the release of McIDAS-V 1.01 will no longer work, now that real data is being received.
McIDAS-V 1.01
The items below reflect changes since the 1.0 release.
Contour Labels
Added a new option to allow the user to change the font, font size, and alignment of contour labels. This is in the Contour Properties Editor, which can be accessed through the Layer Controls tab of the Data Explorer and selecting Change next to ‘Contour’.
Grid Smoothing
Added the ability to revert back to the default smoothing (none) after smoothing has been applied without having to reload the data. Also, users can no longer smooth grids over topographic fields, and in this situation smoothing must be done via the McIDAS-V Jython formulas.
Polar Satellite Data
Added the ability to display loops of polar satellite data with different navigations.
NPP Chooser
Added a new chooser, named Imagery – NPP, for use with local data from NPP (NPOESS Preparatory Project). This is currently located in the Under Development list of choosers in the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer and is available for user feedback through the McIDAS-V Support Forums.
Polar Orbit Track Chooser
Added a new chooser, named Imagery – Polar Orbit Track, for use with local or remote orbital track data in TLE format. This is currently located in the Under Development list of choosers in the Data Sources tab of the Data Explorer and is available for user feedback through the McIDAS-V Support Forums.
McIDAS-V 1.0
New Image Rendering Option
Added new “Enable access to image data by reference” option in Advanced tab of User Preferences to reduce likelihood of jagged edges at limb and gaps at dateline.
Grid Smoothing
New grid diagnostics are available in this release. The following have been added:
- PVOR(S,V) – Potential Vorticity
- QVCL(THTA,V) – Q-Vectors in a layer
- SAVG, SAVS – Average over a grid
- SM5S, SM9S, SM5V, SM9V, GWFS, GWFV – grid smoothers (5-point, 9-point, Gaussian)
You can use the Grid->Define a grid diagnostic formula to use these functions.
New Directory Structure
Renamed the .mcidasv directory to McIDAS-V to make user files more easily accessible.
New Satellite Image Chooser
Redesigned the Satellite Imagery Chooser to include new options, such as an optional preview image in the Region tab of the Field Selector.
Users are encouraged to use this new chooser. Please notify us (via the McIDAS-V Support Forums or McIDAS Help Desk) if you feel there is something in the previous chooser that should be implemented in the new chooser. The previous chooser is available through the Legacy Choosers tree.