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McIDAS-X and -XCD 2017.2 Fastrack Versions
Now Available

04 October 2017 McIDAS Help Desk email notification to McIDAS Site Coordinators and the mcidas-users list:

McIDAS-X Fastrack version 2017.2 was recently added to the McIDAS Website. The significant changes in the release include the following:

  • On Apple systems, changed support from OS X 10.10 and OS X 10.11 to OS X 10.11 and macOS 10.12. Whether you are installing McIDAS-X for the first time on a macOS 10.12 workstation or upgrading to 10.12 from an earlier version you must complete the Allocating Sufficient Shared Memory instructions in the macOS Workstations section of the Preparing the Workstation page in the McIDAS User's Guide.
  • Implemented bit-depth changes to increase the detail shown in certain visible, water vapor and short-wave infrared imagery. See the Expanded Stretch Feature page for more information.
  • Increased the maximum frame number in McIDAS-X sessions from 999 to 9,999.
  • Updated graphics commands to work on large frames.
  • Updated preliminary GOES-R Series ABI server and calibration and navigation modules with bug fixes and enhancements.
  • Added preliminary server, configuration files and display and list commands for use with GOES-16 Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) data from the GOES Rebroadcast (GRB).
  • Updated the USCOUNTY.MAP, USSTATE.MAP and USZONE.MAP files with the most recent National Weather Service GIS-AWIPS Shapefile database updates.
  • Updated the station database (file STNDB.CORE) to include 56 new Synoptic stations mostly in Australia and Antarctica, and one new TAF station.
  • Updated the McIDAS-XRD package (which is included in the McIDAS-X installation files) to include two new servers (viiradir and viiraget) and one new command (FIXDEF).

McIDAS User Services issues its McIDAS-X software updates via fully-supported Fastrack releases (including online documentation updates). This means that the software is fully supported by SSEC, and that each change to the software has been tested on all of the supported workstation configurations. Full system testing occurs at least once on each platform during each calendar year.

If you have questions about this release, call the McIDAS Help Desk at (608) 262-2455, or send email to the Help Desk.

07 December 2017 McIDAS Help Desk email notification to McIDAS-XCD Site Coordinators:

McIDAS-XCD Fastrack version 2017.2 was recently added to the McIDAS Website. The significant changes in the release include the following:

  • Updated the McIDAS-XCD text filer so it can now create raw text files larger than 2 GB. The previous file size limit was 2^31 bytes, a number that corresponds to the maximum size of a FORTRAN 4-byte signed integer. The size of the raw text file can now go up to 2^32 bytes (4 GB). This also required a fix to the STATDISP module to properly display the larger file size.
  • Added several fixes and enhancements to the SFCHOURLY decoder. The updates include allowing hourly specials to go up to 40 minutes after the top of the hour, and retaining high accuracy temperature and dewpoint readings if a subsequent report that does not have the high accuracy readings is received. The change to allow hourly specials to go up to 40 minutes after the top of the hour was made because the decoder was missing some station readings for North Carolina at that time.
  • Updated the file XCDNOAAPORTGRID.BAT to add 64 new RTGRIDS datasets. See the xcd_README_2017.2 file for the complete list of datasets added and removed from the RTGRIDS datasets.
  • Updated the station database (file STNDB.CORE) in McIDAS-X 2017.2 to include 56 new Synoptic stations, 28 in Australia and 28 in Antarctica, as supplied by AMRC. Also added or updated several METAR and TAF stations.

McIDAS User Services issues its McIDAS-XCD software updates via fully-supported Fastrack releases (including online documentation updates). This means that the -XCD software is fully supported by SSEC, and that each change to the software has been tested on the supported workstation configurations.

If you have questions about this release, call the McIDAS Help Desk at (608) 262-2455, or send email to the Help Desk.