and -XCD 2016.2 Fastrack Versions
Now Available
05 October 2016 McIDAS Help Desk email notification to McIDAS Site
Coordinators and the mcidas-users list:
McIDAS-X Fastrack version 2016.2 was recently
added to the McIDAS Website. The significant changes in the release
include the following:
- Changed support of McIDAS-X on Apple and Red Hat systems as follows:
- On Apple Mac OS X systems, changed support from 10.9 and 10.10 to 10.10 and 10.11.
- On Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems, changed support from RHEL versions 5 and 6 to RHEL
versions 6 and 7. Note: For users of the McIDAS-X GUI, we recommend the KDE desktop
environment on RHEL 7, and the GNOME desktop environment for users on RHEL 6.
- Updated preliminary version of GOES-R ABI server to include bug fixes, improved
performance, and support of Level 2 product files.
- Updated Himawari servers to include temperature information in the
output Area file's Infrared bands when IMGCOPY with STYPE=VISR is run using a
source dataset containing HimawariCast data. The servers were also updated to
report the correct start time for the Japan and Target sector images.
- Added BLIZWATCH (for blizzard watches) as a new option in the TYPE=
keyword in the WWDISP and WWLIST commands.
- Added new (DESC) option to the FRMLABEL and ZA commands.. This new option
allows you to insert the band use description from the SATBAND file in the frame label or
- Updated GRIB server to give an informational error message when it cannot
process a large grid due to an insufficient stack size setting on the server machine.
McIDAS User Services issues its McIDAS-X software updates via fully-supported Fastrack
releases (including online documentation updates). This means that the software is fully
supported by SSEC, and that each change to the software has been tested on all of the
supported workstation configurations. Full system testing occurs at least once on each
platform during each calendar year.
If you have questions about this release, call the McIDAS Help Desk at (608)
262-2455, or send
email to the Help Desk.
05 October 2016 McIDAS Help Desk email notification to McIDAS-XCD Site Coordinators:
McIDAS-XCD Fastrack version 2016.2 was recently
added to the McIDAS Website. The significant changes in the release
include the following:
- Updated the station database (file STNDB.CORE) in McIDAS-X 2016.2 to include more
than 200 new GFSMOS stations.
- Updated the GFSMOS and NAMMOS decoders to write as many as 2,500 columns
to the GFSMOS-schema and NAMMOS-schema MD files.
- Added several fixes and enhancements to the RAOB decoder. The updates
include increasing the number of lines read by the RAOB decoder so that all of the mandatory
and significant upper level data are decoded; adding a fix where PPDD data are showing up in
RTPTSRC/UPPERSIG MD files as TYPE SIGW; and removing RTPTSRC/UPPERSIG readings that contain
no data.
- Added several fixes and enhancements to the SHIP decoder. The updates
include properly identifying readings as BUOYs in FM-13 SHIP format and increasing the number
of lines read by the SHIP decoder to accommodate longer BUOY messages.
- Added several fixes and enhancements to the SYNOPTIC decoder. The updates
include changing rapid access filing for synoptic data to hourly instead of every 3 hours and
to not file decoded synoptic readings that have an MD id number field (IDN) of 0.
- Added file RMXCDGRIB2016_2.BAT to remove obsolete RTGRIDS datasets. The file
XCDNOAAPORTGRID.BAT was updated with several new RTGRIDS datasets. See the
xcd_README_2016.2 file for the complete list of
datasets added and removed from the RTGRIDS datasets.
McIDAS User Services issues its McIDAS-XCD software updates via fully-supported Fastrack
releases (including online documentation updates). This means that the -XCD software is fully
supported by SSEC, and that each change to the software has been tested on the
supported workstation configurations.
If you have questions about this release, call the McIDAS Help Desk at (608)
262-2455, or send
email to the Help Desk.