2016.1 Fastrack Version
Now Available
22 February 2016 McIDAS Help Desk email notification to McIDAS Site
Coordinators and the mcidas-users list:
McIDAS-X Fastrack version 2016.1 was recently added to the
McIDAS Website.
The significant changes for McIDAS-X
version 2016.1 include the following:
- Added preliminary GOES-R ABI servers and calibration and navigation modules to
allow creation of ADDE datasets of mission-standard GOES-R Series netCDF format files on local and
remote servers, and display or manipulation of the data using the IMG* commands.
- Added HimawariCast servers and calibration module to allow creation of ADDE
datasets of HimawariCast HRIT files in JMA standard format (segmented or combined) on local and
remote servers, and display or manipulation of the data using the IMG* commands.
- Updated the WWLIST and WWDISP commands to accommodate Flood
Warning products that are in mixed case rather than upper case.
- Updated the USCOUNTY.MAP and USZONE.MAP files to correctly render the counties
and zones with waterway borders that were previously not being rendered correctly. Also updated
USCOUNTY.MAP to use the current shapefile from the National Weather Service GIS-AWIPS Shapefile
- Updated the McIDAS-XRD OMTP servers to set the image start scan value
to "1" and append "corrected time" to the memo field value to indicate that the server is
listing/displaying the corrected image times for OpenMTP format files.
McIDAS User Services issues its McIDAS-X software updates via fully-supported Fastrack releases (including online documentation updates). This means that the software is fully supported by SSEC, and that each change to the software has been tested on all of the supported workstation configurations. Full system testing occurs at least once on each platform during each calendar year.
If you have questions about this release, call the McIDAS Help Desk at (608) 262-2455, or send email to the Help Desk.