McIDAS-V Team Meeting Minutes - August 9, 2007

Talked about the following items in the User Interface --

- can change sizes and configure the location of buttons
- open source icons from the tango project

Bring window to the front
- hard to see which window is highlighted (JonB will make the color a preference for better visibility)

Show dashboard
- currently not working (BruceF will work on this)

3 panels
- the left vertical bar and the legend "should" apply to the highlighted panel (BruceF will look at how difficult this is to do)
- also note that the word "Displays" on the right was changed to "Legend"

Terms (from Don Murray)
View -> a viewport that contains displays
View Window - holds one or more Views
Display -> Data depiction (e.g. Map Display)
Display Control - widget for controlling the displays
Legend -> list of display controls

Start up manager
- Java VM - descriptions
- IDV Plugins - add, enable, disable (plugins.xml)

- Install/setup/run under All Programs/McIDAS-V, just like other apps


Tom Whittaker

- will buy install4j
- Funding
Mitch Goldberg in the GOES-R Algorithm Working Group has verbally committed to 2 FTE for 3 years, especially for work in the hyper spectral and manipulating multiple data types in McIDAS-V and HYDRA
GOES-R Risk Reduction meeting is at the end of August