McIDAS-V Team Meeting Minutes - July 11, 2007

Tom Achtor
- Goals and Requirements document - will send out to the McIDAS-V team and Data Center staff to look over and comment
- Important upcoming events to showcase McIDAS-V:

GOES-R algorithm integration team - coming to SSEC at the end of July
SPIE - Optical Society - end of August
Satellite Meteorology conference - end of September
MUG Meeting - October

GUI work
- menu pared down to reduce duplication
- dashboard - toolbars and menus removed, so that is more of a dialog box than another application window
- replacing tabs with tree structure, especially in the data choosers
- server manager
- customize the toolbars
- startup manager

Comments on the GUI
- server manager - MCTABLE button should be changed to something like "import from McIDAS-X", since most users do not know what MCTABLE is.
- lat/lon should be able to be west positive (in the preferences?)
- bridge - the McIDAS-V frame label should show the satellite and the band
- mcservl needs to be incorporated for local data in Mc-V

- mcservl for local data
- bufr server currently in Jython, should probably be moved to Java

- data adapters need to be updated to IDV's notion of data