McIDAS-V Team Meeting Minutes - June 13, 2007

Matt Lazzara - McIDAS Advisory Committee chair

MAC participants:

Brian Hughes -  ESPC
James Kelly - ABOM
Matthew Lazzara - AMRC
Jim Nelson - CIMSS
Louis Nguyen - NASA Langley
Paul Wahner - CCFF
Tom Yoksas - UNIDATA
not any commercial members

MAC priorities brought up at the first meeting:

BUFR data
GRIB problems with thinned grids
ABOM - too much overhead for the client
hyperspectral data

Notable item s not mentioned by the MAC:

ADDE grid chooser for Mc-V
old formats
local data
polar nav

Dave Parker - GUI update

Image Window movable and dockable
Dashboard menus and buttons removed, so it's more like a dialog box (Bruce)
New views should be tabs

Dave Parker - Bridge update

MCLISTEN command in Mc-X to start stop and give status of listener
fixed byte flipping issues
needs a fastarck and new Mc-V in order to work

Tom Rink - Hydra update

get the data locally
IASI is working now
will have something by the end of August
would like Kevin to work on the MODIS cloud mask (MOD35)

Dave Santek - server update

Long term plan:

use cases
protocol changes
file adapters

Short term plan:

proto-typing to understand issues
java bufr reader
protocol for input/output
file adapters?

Issues to consider:

local data - especially on XP
is ADDE the right thing?
possibly use SQL
Thredds catalog is XML
Problems of data holdings to Jeff Noughton(sp?)

Tom Achtor - science

hyperspectral, especially IASI
GOES-R (8 years away) survey of tools needed
- will present the results in July
- need to engage GOES-R scientists early on