McIDAS-V Coordinating Committee Meeting - December 20, 2006

BillH - the key is integration

Bob - Ray should give an ORIGAMI demo

TomA - Bob just got back from Washington and it looks like Mc-V will be used for visualization and analysis of GOES-R and NPOESS - $100K+

BillH -
The VisAD data model
    - innovation that's never been possible
    - building to integrate with the system

PEATE requirements (CHRIS, VIRS, data)
- one req is to support the science team
- system to validate the products/algorithms, raw data, visualize, output
- 100x real time and pick the best algorithm

TomW - IDL/MATLAB are libraries.  We can point to VisAD libraries with packages like HYDRA, X, IDV.  Mc-V needs to fill in the blanks.

BillH -
Instead of conventional 2D images, VisAD brings 3D/4D opportunities

IPOP requirements - next generation of polar orbiters (IMAPP)
 - system creates products, can process all data, easy tool for interrogating data, education

AOS - Menzel, Ackerman
 - get the needs of AOS

Maintain X code -or- absorb X functionality
 - BobK thinks we should maintain Mc-X code forever, and Dee disagreed saying that we should absorb what is necessary and then eventually drop the rest.  BobK said that ADDE servers will be around forever, and then it was pointed out that ADDE servers do not require all of McIDAS

Mapping data to the data model

use cases - how people will use the system

(10 pages)
1 - goals
2 - reqs
3 - use cases
4 - demos
    by use cases
    by project (peate, goes-r, mc-x)

Four reasons why people will change (anything, not just Mc-V):  speed, ease of use, increased functionality, lower cost

Becky asked TomR - HYDRA integration time line? - hopefully something by AMS