Mc-V CC Meeting - November 22, 2006

Present:   Tom Achtor, Tom whittaker, Tom Rink, Becky Schaffer, Dee Wade, Kathy Strabala, Matt Lazzara

Conceptual Diagram
Becky and Dee started the meeting by showing the MUG's version of Bob's Mc-V Conceptual Diagram.  The only suggestions for the diagram were to add a Mc-X plug-in with a bridge between the plug-in and Mc-X, and to put clusters in with "Other Applications" and remove the line between future applications and clusters.  (the three versions of this diagram are attached - version 2 was presented at this meeting, version 3 shows the results of this meeting)

Background Scripts
Kathy stressed the importance of creating background images.  Currently this is done in the Mc-X environment, and the future of Mc-V may be in IDV/ISL. 
TomA said that there has to be an easy way to create the picture and then get it out for viewing.
TomW said that the IDV works for this, too.
Kathy also said that things need to be data driven.
TomW said that Bruce is working on that.
Kathy also stressed that shell scripts are not going away.   Scripts now can easily call Mc-X commands and she wants to make sure that functionality is maintained in Mc-V, or else it won't be very useful to scientists running things in the background.    Editing bundles probably isn't going to work for most users.
TomW said that Tommy is working on a GUI that creates XML (XFORMS).   "Some XML is not to be read by human eyes"

Matt brought up the problem of extra overhead.  Will there be an entire IDV session for each job running?

Education and Evolution
TomA stressed the importance of EVOLUTION, and the educational component will help with that.

TomA said that eventually Mc-X will be free and that the Mc-V plug-in will always be free.
Training will be very important to get people on board.
Kathy stressed the importance of an easy transition.  There have to be lots of examples!!! 
TomA suggested a web page
Kathy also mentioned that we need more input from other scientists - like JimN or MatG.  TomA is going to send an email to everyone asking for volunteers to join the Mc-V team.
TomW mentioned that the last brown bags were 2 years ago, and that we need to start those up again after the new year. 
BillB, TomW, and TomR are supposed to come up with a web page with Kathy for this project, making sure that anyone can edit things, with important documents and downloads.
TomA said that SimpleIDV is a simplified version of the IDV and should be available with the nightly downloads.

Next Meetings:

Large Group - December 13th, 10:00 a.m. Rm 351
Coordinating Committee - December 27th, 10:30 a.m.  Rm 351