I hesitate to call these "minutes", but here are my "notes" from Monday's meeting.   Please let me know if you feel I missed anything or misrepresented anything.


Tom Achtor - Goal of this meeting is to talk about the Mc-V bridge and the long term vision of the project - the best path to achieve the best system for scientists, the MUG, and students.  

DaveP - Mc-V bridge to Mc-X
New version - write a Mc-X server that receives McIDAS commands and returns text and image
Old version - read existing Mc-X windows and import them into the IDV

Not throwing away Gail's previous work - still reading pixel array and converting it to a data object.   Not memory mapped files.  Still need SFU, but when using a web interface, there will no longer be a need for an X server or tcl/tk.  TomA called it "elegant and simple".

DeeW - the opportunities for outreach are tremendous.   Online demos of McIDAS, web version of McLite, easy packaging for outside users (SATEPS, KathyS, etc.)

DaveP - The new bridge would be able to do everything you can currently do and more, but with fewer requirements.

TomW - The first step is to write the protocol to initially talk to a web browser, but also make it expandable.

TomW - With this new long term version of the Mc-V project, we've revised our goal from being to recapitulate Mc-X to now supporting the development requested by the PIs of the various projects.

Becky - Any objections to this method of the bridge instead of the old?    There were none.

BobK - liked the way the project is heading.  The future is in the distributed commuting environment.   He sees Mc-V as an island with many bridges - bridges to data and bridges to visualization.   There's the bridge to the past, which is the Mc-X functionality and important for current Mc-X users.  There's the bridge to SQL databases.   There's a bridge to the hyperspectral data via Hydra.  There's a bridge to the future in cluster computing.  He'd like to see the development environment bring new applications to the system, to do things like running applications on a cluster, and to see the project really using the network interfaces as the glue.

TomW - Hydra is the mainstream for development.

BobK - I see Mc-V as the system that can talk to the different pieces

BobK - would like to SEE the path that this is taking.   Big proponent for targeted demos.

TomR - The path is staggered.   The long-term target changes, so the path changes.

BobK - wants to see GOES-R work in this environment

TomA - With this plan, it should be easy to convince Mc-X users to eventually use Mc-V.  With Unidata and professors like Ackerman teaching the IDV, it should be easy to convince students to use Mc-V.  Scientists are harder, and you have to  show that this package is better than what they currently have.

BobK - There are other packages that can use hyperspectral data, but visualizing  hyperspectral data is now difficult.