Reminder - the McIDAS-V team meeting will be tomorrow, Wednesday, October 11th at 10:00 a.m. in Room 351.  We will be discussing the attached McIDAS-V Task List, a new project tracking web page, and any other topics you'd like to raise. 
- Becky

Here is the current task list for McIDAS-V, in no particular order.  The list contains the broad project heading, the main developers, and the breakdown of known tasks needed to complete the project.   Some of the lists are very specific and some are a bit lean of details.  Please bring any ideas/questions/comments/criticisms/complaints to the meeting tomorrow.
*  HYDRA integration  (TomR, BruceF, GailD)
    - add the key functionality of HYDRA to the IDV
    - trim down the IDV GUI to be more HYDRA-specific
    - local HDF4 access (means maintaining the current plug-in)
    - GUI for describing new datasets to the system (XML
       description -- review current Hydra ideas....see below)

* Easier Install and Configuration for Mc-X, Mc-V, Local ADDE Servers (DaveP, etc)
    - one stop setup for most common platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac-OS?)
    - GUI to help with RESOLV.SRV setup and maintenance - goal:
       these config files should never be exposed to the user.
    - Anything else that makes it work better!

* Figure out what to do to emulate the "D" key in Mc-V  (GailD)
    - modify the bridge to send cursor position to Mc-X?
    - write an application in IDV to do this?
    - Other?
    - Propose solutions, then dive in...
    - Question: are there other things the "bridge" should do?

* Improved Image GUI (GailD)
    - one-click using XML-based selector -- make it easier to set
        up (GUI configuration?)
    - Geo-referenced (map) selector (in conjunction with HYDRA)
    - Explore making different "look and feel" to the current IDV
        -- ala, "IDV Lite"

* Investigate and resolve the background (and headless) generation of
images (TomR, DaveP)
    - identify issues (for example, maybe only 2D will work in this mode)
    - question - does anyone think that 3D is important for this?  How
       can you create a "canned" 3D depiction without user interaction?

* Java ADDE servers - long-term goal is all Java local servers (Kevin, DaveP)
    - meet to talk about design to hook the BUFR server to existing ADDE
    - explore IASI and AVHRR servers as well.
    - others?